Official Ghostbusters PKE Meter Prop

I heartily agree with those who say dealing with is, to put it mildly, a poopy experience.

I would love to pick up one of these -- but how hard can it be to take ADVANCE orders? I simply do NOT understand why I have to wait until the nanosecond it is released and have to fight thru a horrid on-line order system. It truly makes me despise Mattel, so much so that if I don't get it on first try, the heck with it....but not despise them enough not to at least try and order one thru their online system.

Why do they sell this way? I can only think because it creates hype in the resell market. This stinks stinks STINKS!!!!!

and I am NOT sorry for the rant.
Thanks Exoray. This is exactly the same as people loving the Sideshow Golden Idol instead of wanting the Gobler Idol.

For me it's "good enough"
I'm not sure what to think of this . . . is it a step in the right direction, or a huge killer to builders/sellers of parts . . .maybe both?

Sigh . . .I'll probably never snag one anyway. Haven't been able to get ONE thing off of Matty.

I am curious how it SOUNDS . . .as I can't hear anything in the vids.
I was able to handle the toy on thursday at comicon and was extremely impressed with it before she told me the price. In fact, at first I didn't believe her when she told me the price. She said they are pretty much almost ready to go with them and gave me the impression that the one I was holding was a production unit. The lower button on the left raised and lowered the wings and the button on the right did the same only at half mast. Yes the led's are not as bright as say hyperdyne's but if a lot of fans saw this at a con for sale they would easily have dropped down a few hundred for it and been very happy. If I am lucky enough to get one from Matty I'll be very happy.
I so want one of these, but feel guttered that I've already spent twice the asking price on getting a resin PKE kit and some of the electronics from Hyperdyne.

I will continue with my PKE build incase I can't get one, but if I do get one, I think I'll use that at charity events, rather than the kit I'm currently building.
if they are already in production, i wonder why it will take until December to be ready... if they had these ready a few weeks before Halloween, they would make a killing.
Awesome how the RPF can turn even the best of news into a hate filled rant thread. I love this place!

Explain? Where is this hate?

I see some frustration over the ordering process from Matty (Have you tried ordering from them? It's hardly unjustified, it's just like has been said), and I see some comments on it's accuracy... For me personally Ghostbusters props and their accuracy is one of my core interest in this hobby, so the issues for me stand out like a sore thumb, but I know this is what it is, that is, it's a great low priced toy that will satisfy many, but it's not the holly grail replica prop...

I certainly see a bunch more heavily positives far outweighing any negatives in this thread, to define any critique in this thread as "hate filed rant" is IMO a far stretch...
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ordering from their website really is hell though... i hope they have enough for everyone...

You wish. Someone told me today that the limit for one customer is usually around six. Now not all GB fans will be ordering that many, and I don't begrudge actual fans having a couple anyway. But I guarantee that every scalper will be buying at the limit. I really hope Mattel realise this and lower the limt to something like 2 per person, to give more people a chance.

I was also told today that She-Ra, that's SHE-RA, sold out in 3 minutes.

I'm saving as of now, Mum has said if I front up the cash I can order with her card, I would quite happily fork out the international shipping, but I have a feeling it's all moot because they will be gone before I've finished filling out the order form.
She-Ra did indeed sell out in a few minutes. Even lesser known He-Man characters usually sell out within the first quarter hour. Mattel so far has maintained a firm limit of 10 of any one item on an order. They have been petitioned repeatedly in their forum to lower the count so as to provide more people with product and they have refused. My impression is that even though is a site supposedly for collectors, in that they sell items with limited appeal that do not translate to mass market outlets, they really don't give a damn about the individual collector. Two ought to be enough for any single purchase -- one to open and one to keep in the box, or to share. Nobody needs ten She-Ra figures, or PKE meters, or anything else, in my opinion.

However, I respect that there are different needs for different individuals, and the limit of 10, while excessive in my opinion, is at least bearable. It's not quite as bad as somebody buying out 300 primo floor tickets for a concert. What I don't get is Mattel's refusal to consider pre-orders, or to provide enough product to meet demand. I honestly believe that the PKE meter is going to be one of those things that sell out in minutes. The relative ease or difficulty of purchase is going to depend greatly on what else Mattel offers for sale that day. If it's a long-awaited He-Man or Justice League character, prepare for a major hassle.
well ive bought their figures pretty reguilarly and the latest most sought after GB figure, Peter, was up for about 24 hours... so hopefully these will last that long
I'll admit that ideally, I'd like two PKEs. And that's purely because if overtime I need to replace one of DST's phasers etc, I can go out and get a new one. I won't be able to do that with the PKE, so I'd like a back-up.

I guess what it boils down to is that in an ideal world, MattyCollector (and others) would be able to KNOW who's genuine and who's a scalper, and block scalpers. A limit of ten seems high to me I have to admit, no way does one person need ten. Unless it's one person ordering for a big group of Ghostbuster mates, for example.

Actually, what it boils down to is, in and ideal world, there would be no scalpers. And I define 'scalpers' not as someone who collects for themselves and then later on sells the stuff and makes a profit, I mean someone who deliberately buys up multiples of the latest stuff to instantly sell on for a mark up, it's especially bad when they do it with stuff that they know full well is limited in number.

I have ONCE seen scalpers outdone in the ******* stakes army builders. Doctor Who Classics Wave 2, after the fuss over uneven assortments in wave one, Character Options made wave 2 case assortments equal (2 of each figure per box). Then neatly screwed up by making one of the figures in the wave a much anticipated army builder- the Earthshock Cyberman. Come the week of release, the army builders had to have their 10 Cybermen there and then and they didn't give a damn that they were preventing others from having even ONE. I managed to get one only through being tipped off when Forbidden Planet got them in, and by them having the foresight to put a one per person limit on the damn things.
Any idea how big the run will be of these? And will we have enough time to prep for the ordering rush?

I'm half-tempted to be an ass and buy as many as I can, turn 'em around on Ebay and make a killing.. Saving one or two for myself, of course.
I love how u all have come to a conclusion to this toy b4 its even in production.. I have a PKE based off an IONA.. This toy is %98 on the the real deal, and doesnt feel anymore like a toy that the real one does... If you havn't held it shut ur trap.
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Is this thing going to be some kind of limited run, or only sold for one day online?
I'm jut wondering why everyone is worried about this being sold out?

(sorry, I'm not familiar with mattels previous order process)

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Best thing I can say to do is have your account info updated and all done with them before you can add to cart, so that way all you have to do is log on add to cart and submit. For all 4 figures that I have right now I've either asked for the day off work in advance or had someone else log on and do it for me, I've not had any problem getting my hands on the 4 I have. Granted you can do club ecto-1 now which guarantees figures for you, I just don't like it that once your in theirs no canceling :unsure

I do agree that there should be a pre-order process for this one and should be set at a limit of say 3 per person to make it fair to everyone cause I surely do want one of these. But it's doubtful from what I've read both here and gbfans that they'll change there processes.
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