Sr Member
I was inspired by the pics itsalive has posted pics of another potential production used Yoda in this thread:

This is very interesting. That yoda's head, hands, feet, and cane all look to be originals, but the robes do not.
However, the paint work on the head does not look consistent with the main head we see on screen.
The cane is of particular interest (see the cane description further down this post).

I'm wondering, just how many Yoda puppets, heads, hands, feet, etc.. were actually made?
Were there hero puppets? Backups? Stand-ins? Let's discuss.

Here is a group shot of what look to be production originals.
The one on the left is the one posted by itsalive and is in a museum on display.
The one in the middle I believe is THE main yoda we see on screen in most of ESB and ROTJ.
The one on the right is a yoda in the archives from back in the 90's.


It is important to note that the Yoda displayed at the Magic of Myth exhibit, and SW:Where Science Meets Imagination exhibit was not comprised of any original parts or wardrobe. I do believe that the flute was cast from original though.

Most people don't realize there was actually a completed yoda costume that was worn by a little person in the long shot where he is walking in ESB. Totally different sculpt of head, hands, and feet, all much larger than the puppet's.
Here's a shot of it:

I know I've seen Frank Oz with what looks to be an early version of yoda on the set. Can't tell if that is a mock up yoda for testing purposes, or if it eventually went on to become a finished version that we see on film.
Here is that version:





If anyone has any info, pics, thoughts, feel free to post them here.
Lets see what we can nail down.

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If you ask for the screen used "hero" yoda i would say its definetly the one in the middle.
Great thread. Hope we get some new infos.:thumbsup
Yeah I read that interview with Nick Maley before.
Good stuff. But hard to extract the pertinent info.

I never knew that there was a shot with someone actually wearing a Yoda costume. I thougth it was always a puppet. Great info!
I thought that yellow foam torso was made specially for the exhibit yodas and not representative of the screen used yodas.

Wendy Midener fabricated the torso from 1" sheet foam.... that's flexible polyurethane, which was cut and glued in a manner that was commonly used by the Muppets at that time. The way the foam was bent and fixed together very effectively created the body shape whilst keeping weight to a minimum. Although there was no structure inside, it proved to be very durable.

So, if the yellow foam bodies pictured were fabricated later for the touring version, I imagine the screen used puppet ones were somewhat similar.

Any Muppet production pics out there?
I think they are pretty different both in physical shape as well as materials.

That exhibit torso was a sculpted and cast piece done up in what appears to be a self skinning foam (think nerf football).

Based on what Nick said, the original bodies would have been sheet foam cut/shaped/shaved/glued into a form.

The Yoda in the eye thread is said to be Stuart Freeborn's personal Yoda that was at the museum of the moving image for a while in Kansas (I think).

Wasnt Deep Roy (Willy Wonka) wearing the costume in ESB?
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Hi all,

The Yoda at the Museum of the Moving Image is not a screen used piece. It was made by Stuart Freeborn for the museum, I believe in the 1990s.

It does utilize parts pulled from the original molds. I have some photos of it before it deteriorated that I will try to post over the weekend.

Where did the center photo (next to the Museum of Moving Image yoda) photo come from? It does look like an original puppet.

There were at least two Yoda puppets used for Empire, as explained by Nick Maley on his website. Additionally there were at least 2 Radio control versions, to be used in Hamill's backpack.

A completely new Yoda was constructed for ROTJ, attempting to correct the problems they had on Empire. This Yoda always suffered from being slightly cross-eyed, as seen on screen.

The Yoda head worn by the actor is not a different sculpt, but rather a foam latex pull from the same mold as the hand puppet, that was treated with a chemical solution that caused it to expand (and likely distort).

The bottom photo GINO posted is the stand in Yoda. It is a rough mock up of the puppet, but was never used on screen.

Best regards,
Brandon Alinger
The Prop Store of London
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Thanks for the info Brandon. :thumbsup

I'm suppose I'm most intrigued by the cane in the museum yoda display.
It looks like a screen match, or at least a direct casting of it.

I'd like to know if that is the original screen used cane vs. casting, and also if the two main canes used were carved/modified wood vs. painted resin castings.

At least one version of the cane was cast resin from a rubber mold. The cane with the Museum yoda is cast out of this original mold.

I wonder if there was a mold for the other one then.

I'd also like to know if the originals were actual tooled wood that were then cast, or if the originals were resin themselves.
