official daryl dixon crossbow toy


Sr Member
Hi guys so living in the UK getting a decent sized crossbow that I can carry around legally is next to impossible until I found this I have no idea how big it is but couldn't pass it up for the price to see it should get it next month hopefully. Note I know it is not accurate but I can't afford a Horton and can't use It or carry it around even if I could afford it.
However I don't like the stickers on it that are meant to represent the Horton stickers and I'm wondering if anyone knows if I can get the stickers printed to attatch to my toy.
the other option is a light spray of black similar to how it looks throughout the second season. Any opinions or tips?
also looking for a decent sling and quiver to attatch to it to make it look more like daryls crossbow.
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nice find and an interesting prop.

the advert does say it's 24 inches height, so figure it is almost 1:1 replica.
nice find and an interesting prop.

the advert does say it's 24 inches height, so figure it is almost 1:1 replica.
that says it's the size of the box and assembly is needed so I'm hoping it will be slightly bigger the michone sword is tiny but merles had look likea 1:1 replica I surprised they released a Horton replica rather then his new bow just ashame it has no quiver
A quiver would make a nice accessory but the bolt and string are fixed (NON FUNCTIONING) so that would only be to complete your prop (CONTINUITY).
A quiver would make a nice accessory but the bolt and string are fixed (NON FUNCTIONING) so that would only be to complete your prop (CONTINUITY).
I know I plan to buy a quiver and 3 bolts remove the tips and permanently fix it as one peice so comic con can't throw a fit. Finding a sling is a real pain
Its the same as the merle hand it doesn't have all the straps like the real thing
Stryker is still in business where Horton isn't so I'm guessing that is why.

The real sling is an Excalibur but I believe there is an Uncle Mikes that is close and a bit cheaper.

I wouldn't bother with new stickers. I would just weather it up.
Man that's pretty cool! I remember looking and looking on Ebay for a Horton and couldn't find one that wasn't an arm and a leg. Ended up just getting the StrykeZone 380 and even found the shoulder strap that was accurate (my used one didn't come with it originally). Sure I spent a ton more on the Strykezone, but I figured if I was going that high with the price I better go all the way and get the one I wanted more. This replica looks great for the price though, and if it's near the original Horton size that's a great find!
I've found a similar sling on eBay for £18 which isn't much less then the Excalibur but I can't find anyone to ship it to the UK.
Any advice on the weathering?
Stryker is still in business where Horton isn't so I'm guessing that is why.

The real sling is an Excalibur but I believe there is an Uncle Mikes that is close and a bit cheaper.

I wouldn't bother with new stickers. I would just weather it up.
I used grease pain on my real Horton so it would be reversable. I'm sure it would work on this one too but I would probably do something a little more permenant since you won't have to worry about resale value.

Please post pics when you get it. Im considering one for my daughter's Daryl costume.
Will do, its already sold out in quite a few places I think. I'm thinking some black spray paint at a distance will help give it the look from season 2
That knife is pretty awesome! What's the story with the original, is the camo he has on his not offered on the site?
His knife isn't camo. It is black and tan G10.

The only thing really wrong with this knife is that the handle is too straight.