Obi-Wan ANH Lightsabers out there?


Sr Member
OK, I've been monitoring and searching the RPF for quite some time now about this prop. I'm wondering what are the most accurate models of the Obi-Wan ANH lightsabers that typically come up in the JY or on eBay?

Of course there's the MR weathered version and the rarer AFB version, which are cool, but overpriced for my budget.

Just wondering what non-MR models are typically out there? I know there's the "Roman" components that were widely praised for building your own, however, I don't see many of those offered anymore.

I've been keeping an eye on eBay, but the ones that seem to be offered there usually don't have the transistors and/or have a 8 bubble strip (not a 7 bubble as on the original prop). I also see that the prop is obviously more desirable if it has more original parts (duh), the most notable being the grenade.

I'm opening this up for discussion as I have been interested in this prop for quite some time, but obtaining one that's close to screen accurate seems to be a challenge at a reasonable price.

Thanks in advance for your help!
I think the trick for this one is to buy the pieces when they become avaiable one at a time. Start by getting any parts you can and when you have most or a complete saber then try upgrading and sorting through your parts.

it will take years to get the perfect obi wan replica and even harder to get an all real parts version.

Good luck :thumbsup
well they are not real ones but they do it for me

Keep a good watch in the JY and you should be able to pick up parts for a really nice Obi ANH saber. Most of my real parts were picked up either here or the Rebelscum boards. After a little less than a year, I have this:


Not 100% accurate, but definitely good enough for me. One of these days I'll get around to assembling it.:lol
Wow, nice assortment there, Chingon! (y)thumbsup

Thanks for sharing the photo and the advice.

id be happy to run across a couple of those transistors, bout the only thing left i would really like to change out. i got the weathered romans emitter, the clamp spacer, sink knob, and black gear.
my grenade i got off ebay, its machined brass. clamp a replica off ebay.

right now i just got a couple pieces i mucked round with for the transistors.
You may have some luck if you start a WTB thread in the JY. A complete Roman's OBW ANH saber can be had for 200-300 if someone is willing to let go of theirs. I picked one up for a good deal as a trade not long ago.

The most satisfying way to do this is to gather the parts one by one. You may need to buy a few sabers, then sell off the parts you don't want and keep the parts you want, before you get a really good saber. That's how I got my first one which is made up of 90% real parts.

If memory serves, someone is still offering Chen grenades here, if he still has them. But mind you they are not cheap. Older Roman boosters are fairly easy to come by. I have one for sale in fact.

Just ask around, and keep your eyes peeled at all times. Oh and make sure your wallet is at the standby :D
A complete Roman's OBW ANH saber can be had for 200-300 if someone is willing to let go of theirs. I picked one up for a good deal as a trade not long ago...

...Just ask around, and keep your eyes peeled at all times. Oh and make sure your wallet is at the standby :D

Understood - I've seen them listed before from $200-$400. I still think a "scratch-built" OWK with replica parts is more desirable than a MR version (just my opinion). Of course, I don't have the cake to plunk down on a $800 MR AFB OWK EP4.

Thank you very much for your input! As I'm more of a buyer than a builder, I really appreciate your help!
If memory serves, someone is still offering Chen grenades here, if he still has them. But mind you they are not cheap. Older Roman boosters are fairly easy to come by. I have one for sale in fact.

Just ask around, and keep your eyes peeled at all times. Oh and make sure your wallet is at the standby :D

you don't by any chance, happen to remember that person's name do you? cause i could REALLY use a chen grenade. thanks.
What is the going rate for real parts? Grenade? Booster? Bubbles?

Also who has the most accurate emitter?
Real AS Handwheel: 200-400, depending on condition
Real Booster: upwards of 400
Real bubbles: can be between $20 to $50, depending on your luck on eBay.
Real grenade: upwards of 300 for a fairly accurate one. For a dead-on accurate one, its anyone's guess.
Real Emitter: IIRC the last real one that we know of went for over 2K. As for replica, to date Romans emitter is the most accurate, AFAIK
Real AS Handwheel: 200-400, depending on condition
Real Booster: upwards of 400
Real bubbles: can be between $20 to $50, depending on your luck on eBay.
Real grenade: upwards of 300 for a fairly accurate one. For a dead-on accurate one, its anyone's guess.
Real Emitter: IIRC the last real one that we know of went for over 2K. As for replica, to date Romans emitter is the most accurate, AFAIK

That's about what I thought it might come to except for the emitter, holy frick! :cry

Forgive the noob question but what exactly is the real emitter? And what's this I hear of a balance pipe, what's the accurate version?
