Nostromo Self Destruct Bolt

I heard that Simon Deering did the auto destruct and was given free reign. I had no idea that nut put so much work just into the EDIT: oops nevermind Simon did the keyboard
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Except that Alien was filmed in London...were the props made there too?
England did realy fully convert to metric till the 90s Aliens was the 70s its way more likely to be imperial. My generation was the first to only work in metric, everyone I worked with when I first started still talked imperial. We still to this day do our stage plans in feet and inch’s so the American produces can understand.
flimzy Exactly!!!! So many people don't know that. People working on the classic sonic screwdrivers always have a problem with the screw that connects the magnet to the bullet... they always assume it's metric. The prop was made in the 60's (before being donated to Doctor Who). I would bet it's imperial!! You can find a close metric, but when you overlay your model with pictures it's always a little off.
It’s gotten super busy at work so I haven’t had much time to work on this. I updated my thread pitch to 9. As well as I can line in the image up to the model, it seems to match the original prop photo very well.
bolt thread.jpegbolt thread 2.jpeg