Norris spider head from the thing


Sr Member
Well i made this a while ago as a one of commision, its on the website and i have had a couple of people ask if i will sculpt it again, this was one of my first sculpts and the finish is not that great, but i still like it.
I may redo it, this particular one had poseable eye stalks and legs , and i made a stand for it that was concealed underneath so it could be mounted on a wall or a shelf and look like it was supporting its own weight.


Its a hard 'thing' to photograph, so i just took it down and laid it out.
Still one of the most creepy monster designs i have seen,and one of the first movies that got me thinking how'd they do that?
huge The Thing fan here...all john carpenters early work really but the thing kicks ass. Nice sculpt.
That movie will always hold a special place in my heart. The commentary by Carpenter and Russel on the dvd is classic.
Yeah, classic film, i have had it on laserdisc for a while now, picked up a copy on dvd today outa the clearance bin for a pound.
The commentary track is a good listen, most of the carpenter ones i have listened to have been very good, and they sound like they have a blast together
I was lucky enough to see the real thing at Rob Bottin's shop years ago when I worked on "Deep Rising", anything from "The Thing" is cool...

Frosty, that's not bad for a first sculpt.
It's better than the one they did for the Mcfarland Toy version, I bought one of those and it broke so easily I took it back and got a refund :angry
That is an outstanding head if I say so myself. :D Nice job with sculpting the details and all. :) That movie scared the crap out of me way back then. :p
I love it, the DVD commentary is classic, in fact i watched it last nite lol, as a side serving to this thread, did anyone work on replicating the ship? Its so weird as i saw predator again the other day, the start of that movie prompted me to watch The Thing again.
