new toy

My neigbours think that I am some sort of nut (OK they are probably right) and as I live in the country they are used to guns going off. The only time one came around was when I had to test fire the LPG unit for the tanks main gun in the garden, they just wanted to make sure that I had not managed to blow myself up!!!. She went straight home and got her grandson down so that I could let him fire off a few bangs.

I should stress that nothing I make can fire any sort of projectile and they are used for film and WW2 Re-enctment purposes.
Yes but as it is for use by registered re-enactors with all the correct insurances it is not covered by the VCR act

Thank goodness for that. If you can get shot for carrying a table leg, goodness only knows what they'd do to you for having that by your side.
Thank goodness for that. If you can get shot for carrying a table leg, goodness only knows what they'd do to you for having that by your side.


just for the record I was one of THEM ie I was a cop for 30 years, being an authorised shot (which thank God I was not) is a rotten job as you do not have the advantage of X ray vision or hindsight but you know that if you get it wrong everybody will be able to tell you they would have done it differently or you could of course be dead. Accidents do happen and in the case you refer to the guy was challenged and did not do as instructed, cops are not perfect but they do care and do the best they can.

I have had the dubious honour of having been shot at while on duty and that was before bullet proof vests etc and because of a shortage of money the Met did not have fuel for the helicopter to assist us. We fooled the guy into thinking that we were armed (we had wooden truncheons) and he dropped the pistol he had used. It was not funny and I am sure that the lot of people on this forum would not want to be in that position.

Please remember the cops and armed forces personnel around the world who put their lives on the line for you. They do not pass the stupid law that is done by stupid politicos who only want to make it appear that they are doing something and we elect them.

Sorry for the rant but it is important that people understand, it is not like in the movies, they do not get to the Police station in the movies and throw up when they have nearly had to shoot someone because the idiot waved a toy at them and they did not know that it was a toy.
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