New RPF Sites Issues - CLOSED (please search for or start a thread for new issues)

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Art, is there going to be page #'s on the subject list? Right now looks like I have to go into the subject to see them to go to the last page. Is that the way it will be in the future?


You can immediately go to the last post by clicking the date under the last poster's name in the thread list.
I'd like to recommend that the cycling news banner should not be visible when you are inside a thread. It seems too crowded.
Maybe making "New Posts" more visible by moving it to the centre of the top of the screen like it was.. Just came on and was the first thing I looked for and realised it was hidden up under sub menu area..

And when posting this reply, clicked on "Post Reply" and asks "Are you sure you want to leave page etc.." Bit confusing..
Some of you are already doing this, but it might help Art if you post your OS and browser (with version number). For instance, when we were testing, I would have problems with Firefox but not Chrome, so it helps pinpoint possible compatibility problems.

Also, indicate if you are running any add-ons, such as Adblock and such. Screencaps usually help too!
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In the toolbar at the top:
Welcome, red4 Notifications My Profile Settings Log Out

the username link and My Profile link lead to the exact same place. One or the other should be removed, no?
Hey Art,

will I be able to read all of the content in white letters on a dark background again, any time soon? This is hurting my very light-sensitive eyes ... very much indeed!

Not so much a problem, but a question: is there still a way to go to the last point you read in a thread? Some of these threads I'm following are MONSTROUS and the 'last read' feature was hugely helpful before.

This functionality has been reinstated as a small icon in front of the thread title. That icon will take you to the last read post.

If you click on the date below the name of the last poster, you will be taken to the very last post in the thread.
The "Report Post" link is overlapping the page number links at the bottom of the page.

Another thing: When I'm in my profile, it shows me all the new activity from all the threads I'm subscribed to. I prefer to see links to the threads, rather than links to each new post. It's messy and flooding my Profile view.
Maybe making "New Posts" more visible by moving it to the centre of the top of the screen like it was.. Just came on and was the first thing I looked for and realised it was hidden up under sub menu area..

Check out the RPF Feed, the first link in the Navbar.

And when posting this reply, clicked on "Post Reply" and asks "Are you sure you want to leave page etc.." Bit confusing..

I believe this is due to a couple of background operations still running as well as the massive influx of people right now. Give it just a minute and it shouldn't do that.
The sidebar doesn't seem to want to stay reduced. It goes back to full size as soon I navigate from one section of the site to another. That's gonna get worked out, right? Please?? Certainly for Premium members.

Here's the things I've noticed. Several times I get a prompt asking if I want to leave or stay on the page. I've had it happen when clicking "New post" and when trying to submit the new post. I've also had it pop up when I clicked on a forum section.

None of the threads have the page numbers after the thread title. I had to go to the page then click last to get to the new posts.

The little +Share your fandom thing at the bottom of the page is overlapping the bottom post.

I'm using the latest Firefox.
Check out the RPF Feed, the first link in the Navbar.

I believe this is due to a couple of background operations still running as well as the massive influx of people right now. Give it just a minute and it shouldn't do that.

I found where the "New Posts" link was, but just saying it should be lower and centered like before, at the top of the forum sections, like "Mark Forums Read" at the bottom..

Also, looking through thread list, there isn't any page links, so have to go into thread on first page and click onto last page, instead of being able to just click on last page..

BTW, running Windows 7 64-Bit, using Firefore Ver: 20.0.1//
Subscriptions page has a small overlap problem:


Win 7, Firefox 20.0.1 and Google Chrome 26.0.1410.64
In the toolbar at the top:
Welcome, red4 Notifications My Profile Settings Log Out

the username link and My Profile link lead to the exact same place. One or the other should be removed, no?

Good call. Let me look at it from a functionality standpoint and make sure it wouldn't cause any issues and we will probably drop "My Profile."
The sidebar doesn't seem to want to stay reduced. It goes back to full size as soon I navigate from one section of the site to another. That's gonna get worked out, right?


It better! If not, we will just remove it entirely for Premium Members. ;)
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