New Jack! (no, not the music)

Hack Sparrow

New Member
Hi everybody! I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the forum. The name's Evan and I guess I'd be what you call an intermediate Jack Sparrow costumer. I say that cuz I've looked at what some of you guys put into your costumes. I just can't hang!

Anyway, I am proud to say I did make a few of my costume pieces (palm glove, wrist wrap, black spot wrap, lace, sash, etc.), and what I didn't make I weathered and aged and painted to make as SA as possible. My biggest budget guideline was to more or less keep my girlfriend's eye rolling to a minimum, but I think I did a pretty good job. I'd like to know what you guys think though. I have gotten quite a few job offers (one coming up in a few weeks actually) so I guess I just want to seek the approval of some of my peers!

I have some photos on my profile page, (and a YouTube video at YouTube - Captain Jack Sparrow at the 2010 Alabama Renaissance Fair (10/24/10)) but here's one for the post. Let me know what you think! Thanks!

Everything's looking good. I'd suggest you get some cinches of some kind to hold up and tighten up the top of yer boots.

Yeah...the boots. I knew that would come up. They used to stand pretty straight, but they're vinyl, and I used some textured paint and vinyl auto paint to sort of match the color of Jack's boots and for some weird reason it took a bit of the stiffness out of them.