New Generic Trooper Armor !


Well-Known Member

I had an old FX armor sitting I decided to bring her back to life..

Tell me what you guys think? It's nowhere near complete..took around 20 minutes to do..weathering and damages..Ideas come and ideas plans :D
Originally posted by ImprisonedFett@Jan 31 2006, 02:29 PM
I'm digging the Bantha skull

I've never understood why everyone calls that a Bantha skull. Does anyone really think that is what a Bantha's skull would look like?

I like the armor. Can't wait to see the rest of the suit.
I think the term Bantha Skull is the term for the icon aside Fett's shoulder. I don't know why its called that, and I do not think that is what a Bantha Skull would look like. But I do as the Romans do.