New Davros Headsculpt

daska skirata

Well-Known Member

I was thinking about doing something else then Star Wars and sewing stuff. I just wanted to test some skills I've never tried out before, so I started with making a sculpt of Davros of the New doctor Who series.

I was striving to make one that was more like the way I wanted it. Nothing really screen accurate but still recognizable.

I came up with making a simple headcast, by using plasterbandage, putting latex in the negative and filling it with molding plaster.

I finally made a sculpt on it:


After 3 weeks it's still not really what it needs to be but is slowly gets a result. There are some parts I can not really sculpt, at least not yet, and I need your help to finish it.

these things are:

- age lines (When do I have to use what tool?)
- Ears (where can I get complete ears whom I only need to put on the head, with putting only some details on it?
- The neck (what is the easiest way?

I hope you all like my progress and can help me with these ''little'' things!

Greets, Geert
Its getting there keep it up, I love anything Doctor Who related. Watching this thread intently.
Dont know if you saw our thread here a few months ago but we did a silicone Davros mask. best thing to get the preportions correct is to use a full head and neck lifecast. do a search and youll see it. also if you type hushmapuppyinto youtube there is a 2 part video of its making. with ears its a case of sculpting them realy as for tools there is no specific tool its a case of what works for you loops and rakes are the things i like.
Whow your tutorial looks great! It will help a lot.

I'm trying to take parts of the original series with it, such as the big round head and cheekbones. That's what I missed in the new series. It looked more human in somekinda way.

Here's a pic of an improved sculpt. I tried to sculpt the ears but it aint easy. I've got to try over and over again.
