New Clash of the Titans Props


Sr Member
Just got an email from Entertainment Earth with a few nice looking items from Neca.. Looks like I might be picking some of them up, especially the swords




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I have asked a friend of mine who was working on Props for COTT about Bubo-
""yeah we made 2 of the things, nightmare to make but im not sure if they cut the scene. in the film, they get all armed up and one of them says shall we take this..... they look at Bubo, and say no... so yeah it does make an appearance.""
But I don't know for sure if they are referring to the original version or a new one ;-(
Having just seen this, I can say that not all of the Bubo scenes were cut, but the little guy will not be the number one prop people look to collect from this movie. That'll be the sword he gets from Zeus, and maybe the scorpion shield. Personally, I hope I see somebody try to make a djinn costume -- those guys looked cool, even if their potential was mostly squandered by some crappy writing.
I'd have preferred the Bubo scenes be cut entirely if they're just being ********.

As for the djinn, they're not even in Greek mythos.
Neither is the Kraken. They're mixing-and-matching. I mean, it's not like I expected it to be accurate portrayals of Greek myths. They never do accurate portrayals of anything on the big screen.
Thought they did a fantastic job, loved the Bubo nod, the perfect thing to do with the character.
As with the other props mentioned I would like to see the coin for the ferry, and maybe the sword Calibos uses.
Someone could go full out and do some Zeus armor, it was pretty sweet. :thumbsup
As much as I love the original classic, Bubo did not fit the mythos (didn't then and doesn't now, IMHO) but I still give credit for the cameo appearance. It gives respectful homage to the original which was all it was intended to do.

I see it as a token to those of us 30 plus that remember seeing it in the theatre for the first time and for that I thought it was incredible cool. When Perseus threw it back in the bin, I laughed hard.

As for props, I see the god sword as being the biggest seller. Very creative design.
I have asked a friend of mine who was working on Props for COTT about Bubo-
""yeah we made 2 of the things, nightmare to make but im not sure if they cut the scene. in the film, they get all armed up and one of them says shall we take this..... they look at Bubo, and say no... so yeah it does make an appearance.""
But I don't know for sure if they are referring to the original version or a new one ;-(

I just got home from seeing the movie and was wondering if, by any chance, they had used the Bubo from the original movie. So was the one in the cameo definitely the one your friend made?
The Bubo scene is the best in the movie. It's probably one of the worst big budget films I've ever seen. The writing is terrible and the acting even worse.
Speaking of Clash of the Titans props..

i scored this Chest and back plate. its urethane but its tectured like leather. i believe it was a background one that was trimmed but never used.



