New Biker Scout Armor


Well-Known Member
Would you guys reccomend this suit? Is this a good one?
$450 shipped for the hard parts including fiberglass helmet. I'll take care of the soft parts on my own.

EDIT: Removed live auction URL
I wouldn't suggest you slap up the auction for the world to see. I think there is a rule about that somewhere. Unless it's YOU'RE auction you might want to think about making it a PM only thing.

It looks good to me, but then again I almost bought Costume Junkie crappy poopy armor. I have another person in my mind who sells better armor (IMHO) if you'd like to know, shoot me a PM.
Very true...against the rules to post live auctions. Edit, man, edit before the mods see this.
As stated, it is against the RPF rules to post live auctions. Not only that, you may have just screwed yourself out of it. Not such a big deal in this case as it's a clearly labeled auction. Anyone out looking for Scout Trooper armor wouldn't miss it. However, people who might not have been thinking about buying Scout armor might like the look of it and jump on the auction, driving the price higher.

You are better off inquiring about the seller. Ask if folks know his work. Ask if any one has had problems with him. Give no indication that you are watching an active sale. Cloak&Dagger, man. Keep it on the down low... under the radar :love

Fibergalss Scout armor sounds like a great idea. I'm not sure about that helmet though. The "snout" looks like it extends way too far from the face. The rest of the pieces look really good to me, but I'm no "Scout Trooper Excerpt" by any stretch of the imagination.
Originally posted by RedTwoX@Mar 13 2006, 08:33 PM
As stated, it is against the RPF rules to post live auctions.  Not only that, you may have just screwed yourself out of it.  Not such a big deal in this case as it's a clearly labeled auction.

The seller has TEN suits up for auction right now, and just a guess there will be plenty more... It is against the RPF rules but sheesh...
This helmet looks a little well endowed on this shnoz department.

"You're not so bad yourself, Conchface. Where are you from? Nose City?"

Originally posted by Cougar@Mar 13 2006, 06:07 PM

That armour is hideous, absolutely *****e looking.Keep away from it....Not worth the $$ & the headaches.
This suit looks OK, but there are better ones out there. Keep an eye on it.. but keep looking at the same time.