new base for Gentle Giant 1:1 Yoda?...PICS


Sr Member
i just rec'd my GG life-size Yoda....he is really sweet

i'm just not crazy about the base...i've never been a fan of the display plaques that say STAR WARS and "Yoda"...."No kiddin, that's Yoda?"...:lol

anyway...i need some ideas on how to swap out the base

i could use another piece of plain wood painted black but that's boring

i thought about finding a scrap piece of black granite from a granite shop...the base could be round (probably even slightly smaller than the 24" base it comes with) since the granite is so heavy...then just have them drill two holes in the bottom to mount the Jedi master and run the electronics and i'm golden...??

what might be really cool is to somehow have him look like he's just standing there with no stand at all?...i need help with that one...thoughts?


Cut a piece of mdo or plywood, then look at some of the model rail roading stuff to make dioramas. Paint the base with a latex paint and sprinkle on the shredded foam add some rocks and sticks a plastic lizard and you have it.

if anyone cares

i got my GG Yoda base replaced

i looked into having a piece of hardwood cut and then paint it

i also priced out 1/2" tempered glass but it was way too expensive

i ended up going with an 18" diameter piece of 1/2" granite from a buddy who has a granite company

i like the smaller size and the lack of the "hey it's Yoda!"'s also quite a bit smaller in diameter

