Nerf Gun Props? YES!

Not exactly a Nerf gun but a gi joe kata blaster toy I found fairly cheap on ebay that I wanted to try my first time air brushing and weathering. Hope that its fine if I add it here.


Here's a few of mine, I've got some better ones that I've yet to photo.
These and more are posted on my Etsy store if anyone is interested in them.
I thought some of you would get a kick out of the mods I did to the Nerf Jyn Blaster.

The stock is a Raider with 3D printed parts. The scope is scratch built by me and cast is resin. The barrel is PVC with 3D printed base that lugs onto the standard Nerf lug. The muzzle is also 3D printed and the whole barrel has an inner barrel that allows the gun to still fire darts.

The paint is a black primer, then model masters gunmetal rub and buff. Finished with a dry sponge rub of aluminum paint.

A weekend build that I did for a good friends son.. not 100% happy with it and would change a few things (still trying to get the hang of this nerf/foam dart gun customisation thing!), The main thing however is that my friends son is delighted which is the important bit :0) - before & after pics below:

before_.jpg liamsgun_LHS.jpg liamsgun_RHS.jpg liamsgun_front.jpg

As always C&C's welcome

The latest addition to my collection isn't a Nerf blaster, but it is indeed a finely painted chunk of plastic. So much so, it's going to be centre-stage in my display for a while, I think... It's also the first blaster in my collection that I haven't painted myself, but it looks alright, i guess... (just kidding - it looks amazeballs!)

If you haven't already been introduced, this is the Righteous Bison Indivisible Particle Smasher, from Grordbort Industries. I've wanted one of these for a looooong, long time.


You might be interested to know that Weta Workshop has a sale on right now, which allowed me to pick up this baby for half price! Not kidding, get in there RPFers! ;)
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That competition preceded my RPF membership by a few years unfortunately - I would have loved to have had a go at that!

Truly amazing work! I really hope they run another competition like this in the near future :)
This is my very first prop project ever and I'm realy not talented in doing anything connected to handicraft work or crafting anything, but I had fun so far. This still work in progress.

Most important lesson so far: Check if the spray paint was applied equaly everywhere and covers up all the intended areas BEFORE you remove all the masking tape!

Since I have to work outside and the sun did set before I finished today the first ever try at try-brushing silver highlights on the black areas will follow somewhen this week. The stock is not on the pictures because I messed up and am out of black spraypaint right now. I guess I used way to much for 3 magazines and the rest of the parts so far.

Before light weathering:

After weathering:
Hey, welcome to the club! Evertbody started somewhere. For me it was an RC Roberts Pulse Rifle damn near 20 years ago. It's a skill set you will improve on more and more as you do it, and eventually you will be in the hardware store and see props instead of tools, plumbing, and fixtures. ;)
I don't usually do work-in-progress updates, but then I haven't done a lot of bodywork modifications either, so these are both things that I need to work harder at in the future...

In that spirit, here's a little something that I'm working on right now - a shortened Mega Centurion.


I'm also thinking of turning the left-over barrel into some sort of telescopic sight for another of my rifles - waste not, want not...
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OK, I think I'm finished (exept the stock). There are a lot of imperfection and things that I could have done better, but this is my very first Nerf repaint and prop projekt, so I think it is O.K. and not total failure.

Lets start with the side I drybrushed last, because it came out much better.




This side was the first to be drybrushed and it went rather bad. I thought acryl colors are easyly washed off, but the stuff I've bought simply refused to be washed off with a wet cloth after more then 30 sec.




And now to the inevitable. This was bound to happen, because when I dismantle something and put it back together there is always one piece left over. It's tradition I guess. :(

And now to the inevitable. This was bound to happen, because when I dismantle something and put it back together there is always one piece left over. It's tradition I guess. :(

That's the jam-door lock - not necessary for the operation of the blaster, but if you wanted to put it back in, it goes at the bottom-rear of the jam-door. It's the part sitting just above (and under) the white nylon piece.


This is a raider, so the parts are just a bit different, though the basic mechanisms of this and the SW trooper rifle are identical.

The problem with your dry-brushing lies in the fact that your brush is not dry enough - the secret is to have as little paint on the brush as possible, so that it hardly shows at first. Keep going back over it to build up layers of paint gradually - patience is key. Heavier strokes can be used for more serious damage, but these should be used sparingly.

Also, check the acrylic paint is not in fact spirit-based (Tamiya acrylics are all spirit based). You'll find it easier to clean away excess paint with a proper acrylic thinner or any sort of white spirits (Isopropyl alchohol or Bull-gum spirits - not turpentine or mineral spirits). Water doesn't work as you'd expect...

For a first-time mod, I have to say, you haven't done a bad job at all. Looking forward to seeing more :)
Recently I needed a bit of a break from a long running project that is consuming a lot of my hobby time. Having been a horder of all sorts of toy guns for a while I knew a project like this would be the perfect cure for the inspiration blues. But, for reasons that are becoming increasingly less clear, I decided to challenge myself to see if I could complete this rip-off-NERF mod in under an hour. In total it took about 90 of the most fun minutes I've had in the workshop of late.


If you are interested in reading more about the 1-hour ray-gun build , head over to my blog (link in signature).


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