Neo Crusader Helmet/Mask


New Member

I'm pretty new to this, and maybe I'm just a bit brave (or silly) to give this a try, but I'm currently building up a Mandalorian Neo Crusader armour and do especially have problems making the helmet/mask.
I thought of making it from latex.

If there is anyone who could give me some tips or even a better idea it would be great

Thanks in advance
How about constructing the main face plate by itsefl, and making the rest of it out of soft material/cloth over a plastic shell to give it a retained shape?
That is a great project, I hope to have one of these helmets at some point myself. I actually would want the whole piece solid. Fabric may be more realistic to wear but would always look like fabric and not a helmet. I image this in design, like a Royal Guard helmet.:thumbsup
heres a thought maybe you could make it out of foam rubber...i could be flexible as well as looking solid
Have you had any progress with this?
I'm intreguied.
If you need a starting point, using the Royal Guard method I spoke about,Let me know. I think I can whip something up based on your pictures.
Sorry for the double post.