Nemesis Emergency Transporter?


Sr Member
Anyone ever made one of these?


A device for useless plot devices that destroy a francise? SURE!!!

Sorry . .still bitter over his 'death . . .'

I'll tell you, I've always wanted a detached Data head for my collection. It was such an important TNG prop
A device for useless plot devices that destroy a francise? SURE!!!

Sorry . .still bitter over his 'death . . .'

I'll tell you, I've always wanted a detached Data head for my collection. It was such an important TNG prop

Yeah, Nemesis wasn't the best TNG Trek movie to be sure, but I dig the look of the prop, hence the question.

As far as them killing off Data, that was really more on Brent Spiner than anyone else. He said he had aged past the point of being able to portray data. Of course, they could have written Data aging into the script pretty easily. But anyhow...

Wow, no love for the Emergency Transpo. Yeah, the movie sucked but the prop looks neat if nothing else.
Actually, the first prop I ever made was a similar device, not accurate to the one seen in Nemesis at all though...




I even had a working hero version with a blinking LED in the middle... :)
As far as them killing off Data, that was really more on Brent Spiner than anyone else. He said he had aged past the point of being able to portray data.

Quick hi-jack and side note, Brent just celebrated his 60th Birthday a few days ago
Speaking for Brent. Independence Day was on last night. I was amazed at how many now famous (to me) people are in it. Adam Baldwin (from Firefly and Chuck), Pres. Roslin from BSG, among others.
Preferred that to blowing up Vulcan with a giant lava lamp for shock value, but I digress.

Would love to see a replica of this prop.

Yes, between Data and that azzhole JJ what-ever his name is butchering
Star Trek with the XI movie---it will be reruns of TNG,DS9 & Voyager for me.

With any luck, Star Trek Online will be around for a is my last
vestige of Trek.

If anyone does the prop in question, I'd take a kit....or two.
I happen to know for a fact that there is a member here that has the original prop, and he sells resin kits/replicas of it, with a replica of the picture of the young Picard. I just can't think of his name right now. keep bumping this up, and he is bound to contact you.
Speaking for Brent. Independence Day was on last night. I was amazed at how many now famous (to me) people are in it. Adam Baldwin (from Firefly and Chuck), Pres. Roslin from BSG, among others.

I was amazed last weekend, when I was watching Predator 2, and Adam Baldwin walked on screen. :lol I LOVE firefly, but had now idea he was in so many old things I love. :)
I might get shot for saying this and i know it's a little off topic..but i couldn't resist >.<

While i suffered Nemesis, i still prefer it over the latest movie. Just for the fact it was part of Gene's legacy and it was part of the trek i liked, morally driven stories. Where as JJ's is explosion, fast action and shock value. The maturity of the show was what drew me in, but now it's down the tube with guy who thinks it's all about ships, technology and lens flares! It's rerun's for me or the New Journeys online thing, pity it takes em so long to do an episode.

And i'd not mind one of those kits for my collection either :D
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I might get shot for saying this and i know it's a little off topic..but i couldn't resist >.<

While i suffered Nemesis, i still prefer it over the latest movie. Just for the fact it was part of Gene's legacy and it was part of the trek i liked, morally driven stories. Where as JJ's is explosion, fast action and shock value. The maturity of the show was what drew me in, but now it's down the tube with guy who thinks it's all about ships, technology and lens flares! It's rerun's for me or the New Journeys online thing, pity it takes em so long to do an episode.

And i'd not mind one of those kits for my collection either :D

I'm so glad I am not the only one that feels that way. I'm so sad that the new film has killed any chance of ever seeing the characters we love, on screen again. (other then on "family guy". ) I would have even been happy, if they had moved to TV movies, with the next gen folks, or voyager. (man I miss the voyager gang.)

".....down the tube with guy who thinks it's all about ships, technology and lens flares!" Lens Flares. :lol I couldn't have said it better myself.

OOO Lens flares. WOW, I no longer need loveable charaters, and good stories, I have Lens flares. :lol
As far as them killing off Data, that was really more on Brent Spiner than anyone else. He said he had aged past the point of being able to portray data. Of course, they could have written Data aging into the script pretty easily. But anyhow...

It was already written in to the series. There is a throw away line in the first season of The Next Generation where Data says that he can age.
A device for useless plot devices that destroy a francise? SURE!!!

Sorry . .still bitter over his 'death . . .'

I'll tell you, I've always wanted a detached Data head for my collection. It was such an important TNG prop

You may want to look in this forum under Data Head Prop to see what I have built, or look under YouTube, Data Head Prop for my clip on my new prop.