Neisen Tie


Well-Known Member
Hello all! I was lucky enough to get one of these a while back from a great member here. A lot of the work was already done. just had to paint one of the wings and put some of her together. Had a question for those in the know...As I was putting the wings on her, I began to wonder if the weight of the wings could possibly, over time, bend the Tie on her axis, due to the weight of the wings (as they are heavy!). Does anyone know if this could happen or is it not likely. I was thinking I might need to place some supports under the wings or maybe I'm just being too obsessive:wacko Anyway, here are some pics. Thanks!




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Very nice!

Don't the new versions from Steve come with an aluminum armature that goes through the hull to each wing? Perhaps you could retrofit with one of those?
Hi guys! I wound up drilling out a channel in each side and inserted some brass tubing inside to reinforce her and hopefully prevent any sag. It was scary to do it, as I was creating an channel in each side and didn't want to pop thru and damage the kit. I'll get some pics later to show what I did as soon as I can. It wasn't the prettiest fix but you can't see it, as the tubing enters the cockpit behind the pilot's seat. At least I don't think I'll have to worry anymore bout any resin sag lol!
I was gonna suggest that very technique. I've seen several guys doing just that. It must be unnerving to drill into a kit like that. :)

I have my Neisen Tie now for at least 2 years without any added support inside - and the Wings are still straight.