Need suggestions on TOS Klingon sash/baldric


Sr Member
I have been waiting on some ribbon from Joanns Fabric for 40 days. Just to find the type of ribbon that wasn't too glittery or semi transparent was difficult enough. originally they told me it would be a 2 week wait but at this point they have no idea when it will be in.

So I need a backup plan. Does anyone have suggestions?

I imagine that the original wasn't made in ribbon. By the way it moves it looks like kinda stiff material. This picture I found on the interwebs is a puzzle as the sash is blue on the inside. In some areas the gold has come off leaving me to wonder if the whole thing was originally another color and just painted over. I'd really like to avoid making it and having to paint it. Also want to avoid glittery stupid looking material. :sick
Theiss told me years ago, that the originals were woven strips of plain old upholstery vinyl, that were sprayed gold.

There's a tool you can get at Tandy leather that lets you cut nice, long, even strips, and it's adjustable for different widths. :)

Hope this helps!

There was some kind of upholstery material at Joanne's I found that came in a dark brown that could be painted. Next time I am there, I will take a photograph. It's a vinyl and it looks like woven leather.
Check WalMart's fabric section too- they often get vinyl bolt ends that they sell pretty cheap, and since it's going to be sprayed anyway, you can use anything with the right texture. :)

I found some vinyl online that is supposed to look like brushed gold. I'll be ordering a sample today.

Thank you for all the suggestions.
In case anyone is curious and the sake of your future reference, I find the strap cutter to be clumsy. It requires the use 3 hands which makes for a problem and the strips are not terribly even. I am finding that an x-axto knife with a metal strait edge to be very effective.
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I made one side of the sash/baldric and it took a grueling number of hours. So thanks to the interwebs I did some research and made a makeshift loom and cut that same work down to a few hours. I'll get pics posted a little later.
The finish piece. Not the best pics but I'll try and get better later.


Close up for the detail.


I'm thinking of trimming down the fringe a bit more.