Need Mattest Blackest Black Paint


Sr Member
Have a project for work and I need some matte black paint. Not just any matte black paint I want the black hole of black paints. When I was a kid in the early 1980s Humbrol made a matte black that had a finish like liquid charcoal when it was brushed--that's what I need. It will either be hand painted or airbrushed onto black plastic.


Thanks for your help everyone :)
Tamiya....bout the best Matt Black ive had out of an airbrush. Many others still seem to have a sheen to them.

If your looking for a Charcoal type of look I would use the chalkboard paint. JMO though. ;)
Heller Humbrol Matte Black cut with Ronsonol will give you a super-duper matte black. You'd have to experiment with the ratio - I think 40% to 50% paint to lighter fluid should work through an airbrush. Test it first....
i'll take Lee's answer and add a wee bit of Tamiya Flat Base (x-21). it will deaden any of the tamiya paints. watch the dosage however--if you go too far it starts to become chalky.
Floquil engine black out of the bottle is very black if you prefer enamels. But I agree that Tamiya XF-1 flat black is VERY black.