Interesting Youtube Paint and Sculpting Videos

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
Thought I wanted to make a post about this so we had a place to post interesting paint and sculpting videos we find on Youtube. I often see people asking about how best to paint something and how to sculpt something... so felt it could be nice to find videos showing cool stuff and from people who test things out to see what is best. The sculpting videos are just to show that there are more than one way to sculpt something... I often find myself amazed of the talent shown off.

Anyway, first is a video on how to paint scaled human figures. It's just one way of doing it, but the end result seems very lifelike. The uploader has some risque paint-up videos on the channel, but this one is just painting a head, so should be possibly for everyone to watch.

This sculpting video shows sculpting material I am not familiar with, but the piece is basically sculpted from different colored "clay" and then some parts lightly painted to achieve more realism. But I am in constant awe at how they do this. This is the cat from Kiki's Delivery Service:
If you cannot access this video, try checking out the user's page and find the videos from there.
Yeah, saw some of those. Their skin paint jobs do sometimes look a little flat, but their videos are definitely worth watching.

Thanks for sharing them. I'll post more fun and cool stuff when I find more... and hope others will post cool stuff like you did too.
I’m a big fan of CrafsMan, he covers everything, moulding & casting, painting, animation & sound design,…I’ve recommended him to other craft people & they are put off by the puppet persona,….dont be, he’s much more than that

Then there’s Night Shift, an armour modeller who is obsessed with detail & heavy weathering

Cool. I'm gonna check them out.

For more full scale stuff I've been following these uploaders.

If you are into dinosaurs, this guy has a fun way to sculpt:

Sculpting Figures:

Some fun miniature dioramas:

Popsicle and chopstick Arts:

This guy is testing all sorts of paints:

Not to mention these channels - props and miniatures:

Another uploader I've been following. They do animatronic Halloween decorations and find clever ways to do it:

Ooooh, we're recommending crafting and modelmaking YouTubers? I have a bunch of favorites!

Black Magic Craft does mainly gaming builds, but he's got some great dioramas. I enjoy his horror movie dioramas a lot!

North of the Border is a guy I love to watch for his sculpting videos because he does some amazing creature sculpts.

Boxman Builds is a newcomer and while his builds aren't perfect I really enjoy his sense of humor

Boylei Hobby Time has a ton of great dioramas and builds and is pretty creative in his use of LED lighting systems.

Studson Studio does a lot of cool builds out of junk he's found, thrift store finds, and other stuff that would normally get thrown away, and is also funny to watch.

Real Terrain Hobbies does some fantastic fantasy stuff which looks very realistic, and though he doesn't post very often, his videos are worth the wait.

Eric's Hobby Workshop is another gaming crafter, and he's also got some pretty amazing builds.

RP Archive is yet another gaming channel, however I am blown away by how much thought he's put into modular tile and wall systems. He hasn't uploaded in a while, unfortunately.

Plasmo is a modelmaker channel that I've learned a ton from. Mostly he does real life subjects, but I have found that his scratchbuilding and painting and weathering techniques have all helped me to be a better modelmaker.

Night Shift is a modelmaking channel that I highly enjoy. Like Plasmo, he mainly focuses on real life subjects, but with more dioramas.

Sublight Drive Crafts like the name implies does sci-fi builds, and in addition to having some cool designs, he also sells styrene patterns on Etsy so you can make his models yourself.

Cut Transform Glue is another sci-fi build guy who has some amazing kitbashes and scratchbuilds on his channel.

Thalasso Hobbyer does some outstanding underwater sculpts, usually of Japanese mythology and interesting horror creatures.

Nerdforge is a favorite of mine who has a really wonderful personality along with some pretty crazy builds, along with art like painting and cosplay.

Something Wicked does sculpts of creatures from dark ages woodcuts and art. I particularly liked his alchemist dragon!

I think that's it as far as my favorites go, but I get the feeling I'm forgetting one or two, lol. But I hope you all get some new favorites from this list!
Check out "Against All Odds Figures" on Youtube. His painting skills are worth checking out - it would just have been better if he showed what colors he was using, but it may be because he mixes his own paints. And he should just have done the eye lens in the eye itself instead of separately. Then he would have gotten it to fit perfectly.
