Need input: pimping my parka as a prop


Well-Known Member
I have a new snorkel parka that's nice and toasty...but it has one big problem. It's a "US Polo Association"-branded item and as such has a 3-12" logo crest on one sleeve, with the words "US Polo Assn" on the front in a 4" x 3/4" size.

Well, I thought it might be cool to put a couple of patches on to cover up the blatant advertising. The problem is that I'm not sure what movie(s) or TV shows might have used such a coat, and beyond that, where I might get prop patches and name labels to match. The only movie that comes immediately to mind is John Carpenter's "The Thing."

Can anyone help?
If you're an early 90's nerd like me, throw some UEO patches on there from SeaQuest. Surely a futuristic navy would need parkas.

That or some NERV patches from the failed expedition to the arctic to find Adam from Evangelion.
Hey, I don't know if you're a Lovecraft fan. Or even if these are still available but Morninman had a thread in the junkyard for some fantastic Miscatonic Arctic expedition patches from "At the Mountains of Madness"
They look quite fine on a parka -
were there any patches from "The Thing" movie with Kurt Russel from way back when?

Never have seen much of that movie.
I have the Forest green Eskimo parka by LL Bean. Have been tempted a few times to pop on the Stargate patches on that one.
Maybe you could find some replica patches that the ESB/Blue Harvest film and production crew wore while they were filming in Norway?
What color is the parka?

You could dress it up to look like the parkas worn by the prisoners in Alien3, but it might not look right if it's blue or bright green.
What color is the parka?

You could dress it up to look like the parkas worn by the prisoners in Alien3, but it might not look right if it's blue or bright green.

Good suggestions so far...of course, the next step is actually finding some of these for sale somewhere... :) I saw the Miscatonic patches but I've never been into Lovecraft, and I think the reference might be a bit too obscure for most people.

The parka is tan in color, almost like sand.
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I just tried a new web search (it's amazing what you can find when you use the proper search terms... ;-) ) and turned up a few sources I hadn't found before.

Has anyone dealt with Starbase Atlanta, SciFiGeeks, or SciFiPatch at The last site looks kind of amateurish, and with Starbase Atlanta every product I selected to look at is "new for December."

(Off-topic: Hey! It's my 69th post!)
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Ahhh, tan, then the Alien3 patches should look fine.

Scifigeeks and patchgeeks are one in the same...not sure why they still have two websites. One of our members, Servo,

is either an employee or an owner. I have bought from both sites without a problem. Great product and quick shipping.

Starbase Atlanta, same. That place has been around for a long time.
They did not have patches in 'The Thing' but I designed these patches for the 25th anniversary of 'John Carpenter's The Thing'.
I wanted to make patches that looked like something that an Antarctic research team would really wear.
I think they'd look great on your parka!
