Need help with the lanyard ring for Indy Webley pistol prop.

Wade Egan

New Member
I recently molded a real Webley WG for casting props and have had some difficulty finding the appropriate sized lanyard ring solution. The resin rings break off way too easy and I wanted to add metal rings to the casts for accuracy. Someone suggested I cut a chain link by link and fit the links. This sounds great but I have been unable to find the right size and metal compound (has to hold primer and paint) for the ring.

Any suggestions?


Are you after just the ring or the post as well?


Both actually would be great. One model has the post cast into the piece and just needs the ring to attach. The more comprehensive model was molded without the ring and post and is solid resin and waiting for a solution.

It doesn't really matter if the ring swivels or not but it should be loose the other way. I hope I'm explaining this properly.

Thanks for any help! :thumbsup
Would a sink chain stay (bolt) work to fix into the handle?

I reshaped a plastic one for a resin build, but metal ones may not be too hard to find.

I just dremeled off the thread, and also used the dremel to grind a notch all around, then carefully drilled a hole in the grip to slot in a cut down panel pin to lock the stay (bolt) in place, but still allow it to rotate.


Photo here:

Few pics here: Webley Mk 4/

Might a sewing or craft store have a metal 'O' ring the correct diameter?
I think thats what I used. Perhaps small curtain rings?

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All sound options. Thank you. However, the original WG model pistol has an oblong lanyard ring with outside dimensions of 1" x 5/8" instead of the round version from the MKVI or VI. So in order to make it exact (which I really would like to do) I need the oblong ring and having a really hard time finding one.

Ah, (just googled) I see what you mean!

Hmm- what about a ring from a rifle sling? There may be cheap airsoft ones available.

Ah, (just googled) I see what you mean!

Hmm- what about a ring from a rifle sling? There may be cheap airsoft ones available.

To make the O-ring: Bend a thick wire around a wooden/metal rod with correct diameter. If needed heat the wire.