Need help sizing this DS9 PADD - pix


Sr Member
Can anyone please help me figure out what the dimensions of this PADD are?


I posted this on the okudagrams forum as well, the dimensions are 6x9 inches, Ive made a template if needed.

Any ideas as to the dimensions for the smaller padd (often used for Jakes writing padd) and the Bashir Bio padd?
Here's a little better shot of the front side of that PADD Sulla. It was used (at least) in "The Dogs of War" and "Behind the Lines"



  • m29197behindthelines_034k219.jpg
    71 KB · Views: 50
Thanks SurferGeek. Do you happen to know the dimensions of the screen and/or the button panel (probably .5" x something)
Here's a little better shot of the front side of that PADD Sulla. It was used (at least) in "The Dogs of War" and "Behind the Lines"

Thanks Surfergeek, but I think the graphics are different. It looks like the SF symbol is on the right with a text block to the left on the PADD.

Whaddya' think?
You can find the PADD sizes in the DS9 TM...

Yeah, didn't even think to check there! oops!

"The Starfleet padd variants include three principal hardware sizes; 10.16 by 15.24 by 0.95 centimeters, 20.32 by 24.41 by 0.95 centimeters, and 22.86 by 30.48 by 1.27 centimeters."
That looks great, but I don't think the PADD I want to recreate has that smaller cutout on the bottom left.

Sorry about the image quality - it's the best I could come up with.
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