NEED help desperately!

The Mantis

Sr Member
A very special birthday is coming up for my brother and besides the poncho and hat I have bought for him I want to get Clint's revolver he uses in the movie....does anyone know WHERE I can puchase a replica of this piece? reputable dealer? and perhaps a link to the exact one I need?

Thanks in advance.
it is a cap and ball black powder revolver that I believe is a colt navy revolver the collecotr armory should have this for a very reasonable price. I have a belt and holster replica if your interested but I am a big guy 44-46. keep in mind this is a non firing replica. I also do replica snakes from resin then painted with chrome paint and weathered.

<div class='quotetop'>(Jimbo890 @ Jun 1 2006, 06:21 PM) [snapback]1254550[/snapback]</div>
Not historically accurate for the time frame for the film.

Well, the films also have belt loops, etc.
<div class='quotetop'>(Jimbo890 @ Jun 1 2006, 08:21 PM) [snapback]1254550[/snapback]</div>
I was under the impression that the pistol Clint used was a 1951 Colt-Richards/Mason conversion.[/b]

Wouldn't that be 1851?

Mantis, where did you get the poncho from?

There is a website out there from a guy who sells super accurate wool ones for about 400.

I have been tempted to buy one from him but his customer service skills seem to be lacking.
I found a woman that does the ponchos for.....wait for it....$125.... And they are phenomenal. She had a Mexican artist do them utilizing tons of screen caps and behind the scenes photos.

My brother loves that entire genre....whatcha got????
Re: NEED help desperately!

To be honest, I wanted to see how long took for someone to say, "You know how old this is don't you...". BUT I'll take the hit for not seeing it posted in #3 already.

This is what you get when you try to "search" the forum for stuff so you don't repeat a question, only to find other interesting threads that sidetrack you.
Re: NEED help desperately!

To be honest, I wanted to see how long took for someone to say, "You know how old this is don't you...". BUT I'll take the hit for not seeing it posted in #3 already.

This is what you get when you try to "search" the forum for stuff so you don't repeat a question, only to find other interesting threads that sidetrack you.
No hit need be taken, I was just funnin' with you...

...and thank you for actually taking the time to do a search before posting a question, that alone gives you the right to bump a 3 year old thread! :thumbsup