Need Graphic Help!


Sr Member
I am building a 1:1 scale OS Trek Spock Viewer / Scanner......I am looking for a graphic to put inside it?? any Ideas? or if someone can make me one that would be helpful......approx size needed is 6" x3" post your Ideas only if it is ok for me to use them!
thanks!!! :thumbsup
Something like this?
What episode let us see the inside the scanner?

None of them, that's the problem. However I want to say we got to see inside T'pol's on "Enterprise", but I'm not sure about that. Whether or not you want to take inspiration from Enterprise for a TOS project is another matter entirely.
There's actually a BIT of precedent... onscreen "computer" graphcs were seen in a couple of episodes


the Out post one may work for me........the bumper sticker is so tempting though! :lol that is funny!!! any other Ideas or someone want to take a stab at a custom Idea??
Get an old oscilloscope, run an x-signal and a y-signal (synch to x) at varyable frequencies to get an interesting series of waveforms. We did this all the time in tech school, lo those many years ago.
Holy Crap I want one! :lol

The scanner looks awesome Bruce! The only thing I would suggest is if you plan to back light it to have the graphic be something in blue. I don't recall the light projected from it ever being another color.
I would imagine there would be graphs and meters, calling out energy power readings, energy type readings, lifeform counts. Whatever he calls out while looking in that thing. Predominately blue, as that was the glow coming out of there.