Need Font Help!

Darth Mawr

Sr Member
I've been looking for this for days with no luck. What the Font is no help. I know that the general shape is Thorowood but I can't find this exact font. So since you RPF guru's have been so helpful to others, I'm turning to you as my last resort. And thanks in advance for any help.:sleep
Thanks for trying guys.:thumbsup

As for more insight on this font, I believe it is pre-distressed though I guess it could have been through a photoshop filter after the fact. If you look closely, there are horizontal lines running across the center dark area of each letter as well. And I think it's a 3D font as opposed to it having a drop shadow added.

So I don't know if these clues will help anyone recognize the font. I know I've been through a bunch of online sites without finding it, so I'm still in the hunt and still begging for help.:lol

Oh, I've got two more from the same source to ask for help on, but let's take this one at a time.

I just tried "" and I got a lot of results, but no exact match.It seems that this font does not exist and is made for production or just the characters MIN are created.

Thank you TheMalum, I have spent hours looking through MyFont and I didn't come up with what you did.

To all the others who offered help, thanks. The RPF is truly the best!

Now I can look for the other two fonts.:wacko
Well, I've already found them, they are part of the Archive Type fonts that Archive Garfield Regular is from. I used all kind of search words when looking in the past few days but it never occurred to me to search using archive or archival. After your help the rest came easy. Thanks again.
I can't take credit. I asked expert typographers; I'm just a lowly font fan. But I'm glad I could facilitate a success!