Need an ultra-posable mannequin for Spidey


Well-Known Member
For a while I've been wanting to get a display together for my Spidey suit. I just don't want him standing by a wall though. I want him high in a corner of my room, suspended by webs in a pose like this:

So I need something light, and posable. I looked around at flexible mannequins and found stuff like this:
Any ideas? I suppose I could make something like a duct tape dummy, but it wouldn't really bend correctly at the joints.
problem with all the poseable mannequins out there - they have absolutely no muscle definition - so your spiderman will look more like spider-wimp.

trust me - already tried -and i've been searching for the last 3 years now for a suitable mannequin for spidey.
I'm sure there has to be a solution. I have a few months to think about it, since I'm moving all my props out of the future nursery to their new room. I already have an awesome material for the webs!
my suggestion would be to carve it out of would be light and poseable and defined, well as well defined as you can shape it I guess. :lol
I'm sure there has to be a solution. I have a few months to think about it, since I'm moving all my props out of the future nursery to their new room. I already have an awesome material for the webs!

future nursery eh? first baby? My first is due in May... so it looks like we're in the same boat. :)
Not on the way yet, but planning for next year. I might try building something over an armature with foam. I'm really surprised no one here has pulled this off yet.