Narfle the Garthok model - Coneheads


Sr Member
I used to build and paint a lot of scale models, but went off them when I started getting into lifesize props and heads. However, when I saw a review of this model kit on YouTube, I HAD to have it......

The box arrives (international shipping to the UK cost more than the kit itself!)..... Look at the size of this thing! AND full colour artwork on the box!


Inside.... Check out the top quality packaging!

Top layer:

Bottom layer:

The model is a really nice, BIG kit:

And the detail and casting is awesome:

PLUS all of the cast lines are cleaned up before being sent out, AND there are pre-drilled holes for inserting rods for extra strength between sections.

At $49.95 this is a must have kit!

KitKong's Model Mansion: Narfle the Garthok

Reference - The stop motion puppet:

Can't wait to get started on this. :):thumbsup
very nice!! looking forward seeing the finished piece!! always like seeing your work! and i like how your collection is set up!:thumbsup
A little progress.....

Got the resin parts glued together now. The lower jaw is not glued yet to allow for painting the inside of the mouth first.

I always see this at Wonderfest then I kick myself for not picking it up.

I look forward to see how yours goes
Well, it's been a while since I posted pics of the glued together kit, but I just finished off this monster of a kit the other day.

Comparing it with the reference pic of the original stop motion puppet shown in this thread, I guess I should have made the skin a bit more brown overall, with less distinction between the blue/grey areas and the tan areas, but I was using screen-caps and it appears more the way I've painted it on film. Anyway, I'm happy enough with the way he looks.

So..... Pics!






And for a bit of size reference ;) :


And next to the AMT/ERTL Rancor kit (also a fantastic model well worth getting):

Just ordered Narfle from Kit Kong's Ebay store on sale for $24.97!
Some are still available, just do a search for Narfle the Garthok.
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I got my kit a while back as well and have started it, startign with the statue base. Its pretty close to whats on screen, not perfect but certainly the most recognizable of the pillars with faces. just shot on a coat of Terra Cotta and that is drying.
How was your experience with fit overall? Looks like putting this together will be a lot like getting a dino together, fixing seams between skin parts the same way. Did you experience any major issues?
That is a very impressive kit, i wish all companies packed them that well. It looks really good, hopefully the people who made this offer other kits too.
That kit looks like a lot of fun! I've got some of the Coneheads action figures somewhere... getting a bit of a diorama idea, may have to track down a Garthok.

Thanks for sharing, I had no idea this item existed!

I know it has been 10 years, but if anyone who has the KitKong Garthok kit - built or unbuilt, and wants to part with it, please let me know. I have a small Coneheads collection and this is the one piece I have left before I consider it complete. I've only ever found one on ebay and they are.. unrealistic in their price expectations. Thanks!