My ultimate Luke ROTJ v2/stunt lightsaber project

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
So, I know that MR is currently in the process of replicating this lightsaber, and from everything I've seen it looks like they've done a beutiful job. However, since they are selling their saber to a mass audience, they have had to idealize the saber prop a bit. Their replica is machined aluminum, whereas the original is cast. Also, they have idealized some of the details of the saber, some of the warts and defects on the original which to my eyes give the prop character.

So I have started working on my own personal project to reproduce this saber, which has always been a holy grail to me. My idea from a dead on reproduction of this prop would be a cast metal (seemlines and all) replica of the original prop based on a replica of the original molding master, so that is what I've attempted to recreate.

Using photos of the original wooden master, I have drawn up a replica of that part in a Cad program. I plan on having this part machined and then, have a couple replicas cast, in aluminum, off of this master so that I can make a Luke V2, OWK stunt saber, and a Luke ROTJ shared stunt saber the way they were originally made for ANH and ROTJ. Anyways, I thought I'd share pics of my Luke/OWK stunt master design.

Enjoy and critique. Please compare to the original. I'd like feedback.

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Looks great but it looks a little too nice compared to the original. You said that you wanted the warts and defects of the original but the rings/grip/whatever are really rather wonky on the original and flawless on your's. Like I said, your drawing looks great. Just a bit too good :)
Looks great but it looks a little too nice compared to the original. You said that you wanted the warts and defects of the original but the rings/grip/whatever are really rather wonky on the original and flawless on your's. Like I said, your drawing looks great. Just a bit too good :)

Thanks for the comments guys. I apreciate the encouragement.

As to the grips. On my model I have made the grips are unevenly spaced and the depth of the grip recesses do varry, but apprently this feature is not unclear on the pics I posted, so should I change my model to make the uneven grip spacign and size more pronounced?


I look at those pictures and I see wonky grips. In fact, they look really aweful (in a good way mind you). I'm not an expert on the V2 but it looks pretty darn good to me. I don't think you have to tweek the grips any at least. They look perfectly bad to my eyes. :cool
Looking at it again, the drawing's grips do look irregular but not as ugly as the real thing :lol I'd tweak them just a bit more myself but I could be way off base. Either way, it still looks good to me :)
Wow, certainly not what you'd expect to hear in a project thread.

"Yeah, it looks pretty bad, but could you make it suck a little more?" :lol
Well, I would like an acurate V2 & shared stunt.
So, I hope you can find some time to get around to this project.
My AS hero saber needs some company on the shelf ;)
Come on Dan, cut the guy some slack. Chris has made so many discoveries over the years, I'm sure it's hard to keep track. ;)