My Tusken Raider Gaffi Stick Build-Up - In Progress


Sr Member
Let me start by saying a few things...

One, Tom Spina has the BEST Fijian Totokia casting available. Well worth the money too. I was very, very close to purchasing his kit, but decided I wanted to build mine from scratch... just to see if I could.

Go here to see/buy Tom's kit:

And two... there is a great tutorial for making the "club/pineapple" end of the Gaffi from a wooden candy bowl on YouTube... I'd like to give props to TK409 for that video! It helped set me on my way!

Here is the link for the tutorial:

I actually started with that tutorial and customized it a little more to my liking. I decided that the pattern I wanted (that was a little more true to the Gaffi I'm familiar with) was horizontal and vertical and not angle cuts (See YouTube video). Also used his method of stretching styrene with a heat gun and pushing in with a drum stick to form the "hook" (I actually used a "NO PARKING" sign I found at Lowes since I couldn't find any styrene sheets locally).

Here are my starting pics for that:



I chose to use an empty Spagettios can instead on the 4" PVC pipe. It gave me the radius I wanted and suited my tastes better.




Next I finished carving up the bowl the same way TK409 did (Dremel in table vice, using a trianglar file to angle the nubs)... again, altering it to my tastes...



Moving on...

Picked up a nice solid oak 1 1/8" diameter dowel (36" long) from Lowes... but wasn't sure how to achieve the curved end leading up to the club.

I've seen this done with PVC elbows, melting plastic and bending it, but I wanted mine to be made of wood as much as possible, and short of carving a stick with a curve built in from a block of wood, I think I found the next best solution...

Coffee table leg.

I spotted these milled decorative table legs and noticed the end looked similar to the curve I needed AND that if I cut it in the right place, it would be VERY close to the diameter I needed as well...


Here's the tag that was on it incase anyone would like to know what exact leg it is:


So, I measured and cut in what looked to be the right spot...



Trimmed off the bottom to create a flat spot for the "pineapple" to be attached...



Next, needed to attach the curve to the main shaft. I decided a reinforced connection would work best... drilled a hole about 2" deep in both curve piece and end of main shaft and connected with another wooden dowel (and a lot of epoxy)...





It didn't quite line up on that one edge, so I whittled away, sanded and I feel it looked pretty decent:



After waiting for the epoxy to cure I noticed I needed to round the end of the "curve" as it has a flat top (naturally, since it's supposed to attach underneath a coffee table!).

I chose to pick up some KwikWood putty/epoxy compound and "make" a rounded end:




And that's where I'm at. I only had so much time to dedicate to this project as I have customers waiting on me for Hobbes dolls (which I also vigilantly worked on today).

I will continue to post my progress and would look forward to comments, critisims, questions, whatever!

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Alright! Back to it!

Had a little time this weekend to further this project. Here's what I did:

I ended up using the styrene spike as a mold and cast a solid piece from resin.

Also cut the bottom of the bowl off and filled it with resin as well to add weight and stability. Belt sanded both sides to get them nice and flat/even and counter sank a bolt through so it could attach to the stick (sorry, forgot to take photos of this stage).

Epoxied the cast spike onto the bowl an attached to the staff part.

Touched up with some more Quick Wood and sanded:







Then, primed it so I could see any inconsistencies, uneven spots, etc:





As you can see in this last pic below, I still need to fill/taper down the bottom of the spike on this side so it gradually and smoothly connects to the "pineapple":


And that's it for this week!


Fix that side of spike, add the lipped end to the other end of the staff, attach mace, add etchings to staff handle area and pant.

Getting there!
Awesome build Kurt!

Thanks Tony... I'm still at a stand still because I STILL need to get someone to make me a spike for the mace end.

I'm in the middle of the painting process now though...

If anyone can help with the spike let me know!
Thanks guys, after Halloween I'm gonna get back on this horse. Still need to pick up the various Mohawk faux wood stain spray paints and of course...


At last I have obtained a metal spike courtesy of the generous vader1974 (Brian) who came out of nowhere and made one for me!

Big shout out to Brian. Thanks man!


I can now continue...

Time to continue faux wood painting, fit mace end in place (with spike now!) and make the carvings on the handle...

I'll post my continuation/completion pics as they happen!

Superb! This is quite an underrated prop IMO, so it's really nice to see this build!

I agree that it's underrated and am sad to see some of the cheesy replicas out there... it's not hard to figure out ways to recreate this without an authentic totokia. Just some dedication.

I, as some of you know have been finishing up my last Hobbes doll run, so my time has been spent there and with work, house, kids in general, so I haven't gotten back to this project yet, but it's next.

I need to grind the square sides of the spike down just a bit so I can fit it into the mace and I don't have a grinding wheel, so that's next. Finding a friend who has one!
Thanks (I guess my thread is still alive!), It got finished enough to a point so I could use it for Halloween, but I have more paint work to do and I made a faux metal spike to fit in the end (still need to buy a bench grinder to make my steel spike fit).

I'll post some pics shortly of where it's at.

Thanks for reviving the thread!