My TOS Logbook


Sr Member
My logbook, just finished. Scratchbuilt from wood.


I appreciate that the metal bezels on the lamps are not strictly according to Hoyle, but I think it needs that dash of silver to make it truly 23rd century. :)

The lights are incandescent indicators, converted to LED.

Electronics included! The black button sets the lights to blinking for 11 seconds, and then it turns itself off. Youtube clip at this link: Flashing logbook video
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Nice job!
Lights are the right touch.

Any chance of you sharing or selling the circuit plans?
Nice job!
Lights are the right touch.

Any chance of you sharing or selling the circuit plans?

Thanks! But no chance of selling or sharing the circuit -- because I didn't create the circuit. It's a small circuit card from a dollar-store toy, with my own lights wired in.
Excellent scratchbuild. I have one of the CaptJTK's myself, which I think is a tad undersized.


vs screengrab

Nice, clean scratch build. I agree, the silver bezels give it a more "techy" look. ;)

I have a few screen caps that show the corners of the logbook where you can see the folded textured vinyl paper. I've not seen a replica done this way, most are wood or ABS/Kydex vacforms.
Nice, clean scratch build. I agree, the silver bezels give it a more "techy" look. ;)

I have a few screen caps that show the corners of the logbook where you can see the folded textured vinyl paper. I've not seen a replica done this way, most are wood or ABS/Kydex vacforms.

I went for a textured base coat and a semi-gloss top coat to simulate the same visual appearance, without actually wrapping it in black shelf-liner. :)
One of my favorites! Nice job. Funny how the 24th century stuff all lights up and blinks, yet I head straight for TOS suff every time......