My small lifesized collection. New addition Fettster Joker

New addition....a Fettster Joker 1:1 bust



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Looks great Dave. How did you find painting him ?

Whats the plan for him?

Got mine this week too and hopefully painting next week. Again thanks to Rich for such an excellent Joker :)
He was a joy to paint mate. I will probably keep him as a bust as I don't have the room for many more statues at the minute.
I've got a couple of Arnies that I plan to paint up in the coming weeks so they will keep me busy :)
He was a joy to paint mate. I will probably keep him as a bust as I don't have the room for many more statues at the minute.
I've got a couple of Arnies that I plan to paint up in the coming weeks so they will keep me busy :)

What prima did you use ? also did you use acylics or oils ?
I used Games workshop skull white primer (it has mixed reviews but I really like it)
Skin tones were done with acrylics then about 10 layers later this was sealed with Citadel purity seal. All the make up was then done in oils. The lips are alot darker than they look in the photo (rubbish camera)

Just be prepared to wait an age for the oils to dry lol
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Looks really cool. Would really pull together with some clothing....
Im debating weather to paint the eyes or add glass or acrylic. I did get quite a good effect with oil pastels on my last one so may explore that again.
Awesome collection by the way. Looking forward to seeing your terminators :)
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