My R2's 1st public appearance


Well-Known Member
still alot of work to go, but took him down for his 1st outing this last weekend for the star wars: where science meets imagination exhibit and got some pics in front of the lfl r2 display case :D :







aww this exhibit is just gorgeous, we've been havin a pretty good time trooping it as much as possible :) nice to have an excuse to troop every day of the week :D yeah, it was pretty cool to show off the r2 for the 1st time :) gets my mind off how much work is left between some small detail work, and all the RC innards. :)
naa, I'm 501st and we've been troopin this thing like crazy. I had geared down to man the table and answer questions, etc and had been watching the crowd until it seemed like it had thinned out then wheeled R2 over to take pics of it in front of the real 1, and the crowd swelled outta nowhere, kids were jostling to get close enough to just put their hand on him, and that went on for about 10 min or so, then it took one of our stormtroopers and clonetroopers stepping in to clear the way and get us hustled out otherwise R2 would never have gotten out of there :lol
great R2, cant wait for that exhibit to hit next year here in chicago, Ill be sporting my wookie costume.
Oh man, the exhibits awesome, any rebel legion folks or 501st folks that don't take full advantage of it while it's in their town are missing out. The crowds are great, it's a chance to wear all the armor, work the crowds, be an interactive part of the exhibit, pose for pics, the millenium falcon ride is friggin kewl, it's just awesome the whole way around. i just wish i could have gotten r2 all Rc'd out for this gig :)

I got a couple more teaser shots for folks who havent seen the exhibit and want to? should i post em?
Very nice...a full size R2 is another one of my Holy Grails...

That other custom astromech in the 1st pic is pretty funky. What's the story on it?