My quick AA/DS TOS Comm Conversion


Master Member
Im not a Trek expert, but after picking up one of the AA/DS Communicators, i wanted to do a few updates id seen others do here. So i opened it up and did the jumper update tog et the extra sounds, and picked up a few slightly accurate jewels and t-jet hubs. After a few hours, i ended up with what you see below.

While working on it i got some superglue on the circuits under the buttons that i tried burning off but didnt quite work. So now i gotta push the buttons really hard. Also, the lights just barely shine through the superglue and tiny hole in the t-jet hubs where the jewels are, but i was glad to give up brightness for the more accurate look, those were the worst area of the original toy. Anyway, any comments welcome! I still need to go over the body with some matte sealer.







Well I am an expert :lol and I say it looks good.

That's the reason I didn't use Tjet hubs in mine... the hole being so small. Some sort of custom bezel would be best I guess. I used some kind of train wheels, maybe N gauge, not sure. They aren't accurate looking but they look good in their own way.

You can mask off the speaker and paint it gold (I used Krylon bottle paint applied with a brush. ALso used the Krylon on the flipgrid, to make it a ligher gold rather than the dark color.

- k
I bet a certain sized washer would probably work good too. Ill decide later if ill keep it, ive got extra. It was triky to get the jewels and hubs to stay in there, since the holes were the same size, i had to build a little wall on the inside for them to rest on so they wouldnt fall through, theyre still not quite level though. And the jewels i got at Joanns were a little large, but the best ive got at the moment, that still allow light to shine through. Might change the yellow one to clear.

Thanks for the compliments :)