My QUANTUM LEAP Handlink replica


Well-Known Member
[...] Anyways, let me know what you think!! :love







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Nice job there :thumbsup

QL is one of my wifes favourite shows. I wish I could convince her to get a replica of the link and get her more involved in the hobby.
Ah, this is the one I was after years ago.. This is the one with 50 LEDS and sound effects right? Never got back to you about getting one.. My bad.. If you are still making these, I will have to contact you soon..
Thanks All!! Yeah i had always wanted one since i was a kid. I Started Building them about 3 years ago and ive been getting better ever since! I think i could probably put one together in my sleep now ha ha... even though they do take a decent ammount of time.. i have built one completley from scratch and finished it in a day and a half.
I guess we're playing forum-tag. :)

Shoot me a PM with any details you may have on getting my hands on one of these!!!

I thought about making a handlink thats smaller and lights up, but one thats a cell phone holder that goes on my belt lol... like, clips on.. ha ha.. now, i know thats dorktacular but i thought it would be funny/cool.
neuromason, you are everywhere with ALL versions of your handlinks! As i must say you are getting better, your secretive approach is completely OPPOSITE of the integerity of the show. Sam LOVED to teach!!! i understand that you can't tell all your "secrets," you should be a bit more open on the basics at least and answer a few questions here and there. not everyone is a nuclear tech as yourself, so be fair. your work is good, your ethics need a lil work my friend. you have been showing off your handlinks everywhere for years on every thread, and all over the web. you say "That's how i roll," but what goes around comes around. greed and pride can turn a fantastic/beautiful project and turn people off to it. my family owns a sign shop, i am working on them too, however the difference is that i would help a fellow propmaker if i can. small details will not take away your thunder. we know you pretty much did it first, AND GOT INSIDE INFO FROM ORIGIONAL BUILDERS!!! a little good help to someone reaching out will come back at you. i applauud your work, am curious as to your prices, but try helping at least someone struggling to get a project off the ground!! id love to s/w you one on one sometime...drop me an email. I am the real deal and so is my email address: