My Protocol Droid Head

Boba Binks

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share with you my recent finished project, my Protocol Droid head. Tell me what you think.

You can learn more about this project and what I did here


Of course the pictures do not show the paint job any justice. You just have to see this in person I guess.


The Protocol Droid head sitting in the lap of my Salacious Crumb puppet.

AND NO! It is not C-3P0. Just an old Protocol Droid head.
Glad you like it.

The kit came from Sci-Fi Horror Studios.
I did not like the solid resin eyes that came with the kit so I purchase an eye kit from TK409.

I did not want to chance it and drill the eyes out in case they cracked or snapped to put in the little leds so instead I have the leds that I bought and just hung them inside the head to shine through the eyes. The leds were to bright and it showed white. To correct it I added in a piece of yellow transparent film to give it that yellow glow, though it looks green in the pictures.

On the bottom of the neck it is plugged off so the light does not show through. I have a switch on the plug it to turn the eye lights on and off.

I am happy with it.