My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival : The Godfather

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVALS - Hook, 12 Monkeys, The Abyss

Dude! Amazing collection! I just dont know where your going to put the phantom zone replica? :)
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVALS - Hook, 12 Monkeys, The Abyss

Thanks Adam :) :thumbsup

Went out early this morning, & when I got back, reversing into the garage, the rivet that holds the car's gear-stick to the gear transmission rod broke :angry . A bleeding 2 dollar thingamabob & I'm grounded. At least it happened at home :lol . Now waiting for the tow-truck to come to take the car to the mechanic.

So what ? :lol .... well, I've been grounded for the past 9 hours, and have put it to good use (mostly in frustration :lol)

I removed ALL the props & frames from the wall on the right (HIC side), & reorganised them, adding other little 'things' etc, while making room & planning ahead for a few items I'm expecting.

I am at this moment ..... exhausted.

Tomorrow I have to 'fill' in the holes I left exposed & paint over :lol ... at least it'll keep me busy while I have no car :)

It will take a few weeks before I get the stuff, & finish that wall, so I'll only update the overall view pics in Post #1 when all is done.

Stay tuned :)

No way! that happened to me about 4 months ago while I was driving on the highway going home. :wacko I was in fifth gear going to downshift into fourth when the stickshift turned spaghetti noodle on me; I freaked but luckily I was able to make it home stuck in fifth gear driving at speeds of 40 down to 20 MPH turning corners. I nearly burned my transmission doing that but I had to make it home somehow. The parts I needed were a tiny rubber grommet and a "C" clamp but only came in a $225.00 parts kit with transmission cables from the dealer; luckily my local Lowes Hardware carries similar parts so I was able to rig it; but hey, it was a fix I did myself for about $6.00. :lol Good luck getting your car fixed Al; it's not a P.T. Cruiser is it :confused Hope all goes well.:thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Thank you sirs :)

This just in today - The Phantom Zone, from Superman, made by theonlytexaspet.

The quality of the image is absolutely astonishing, considering the horrific res pics there are of this on the net. :thumbsup

Alexei, did you put rockets on this or something ?? Posted on Saturday, today is Tuesday, from UK to Malta !

Dude! .... I just dont know where your going to put the phantom zone replica? :)

... right here :)



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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Hey Mate! I know that's well quick? It looks awesome! :)
Thanks again mate!
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Love the Chalice of Kali and, of course, the Blade Runner blaster - my personal favorite prop.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Damn you're a prop collecting, display making, frame filling, wall hanging machine. Must be like Christmas every single day at your place. :thumbsup

Ahh, I remember those times.. now all I'm sure about getting every day is a diaper filled with poop. :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Thanks fellows :)

Thomas ... :lol

Diapers ? What are those ? Are they props ??

Oooooh yes, I recall something sloshy & smelly, about 20 years ago :lol

Seriously though, enjoy this time, its the teens that will drive you insane !
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? ....

Just a stunning collection! Very inspirational.

Thanks very much for sharing.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - Contact

Thanks BW :)

Well, I'm into my third day of the major overhaul of the wall on the right in my prop room :wacko

I am keeping in mind a few things I am waiting for, as well as the remaining frames I have left to do.

In between rearranging, plastering & painting plenty of these ......


..... I am working on a piece by piece basis with the 'overall picture' in mind.

While it will take some time to be done & show, and in the meantime, I wished to share with you this one piece I have finished.


'Contact' (Jodie Foster) has always been one of my favourite movies of all time, one of those I have lost track of the amount times I have seen it.

Alas, hardly any props.

The one item I have always wanted / to make ... happens to be a framable one :lol

It's part of the alien message that is received on earth, and really does play an extremely pivotal role in the movie.

I have only ever seen one image of a sheet that was used in the movie, and after around an hour of tweaking, I ended up with this.

It is also screen-matched ..... to around 90% :angel



But at least I have something to display from this great personal favourite of mine :)
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVALS - JP, Gump, Hellboy, Wall Street, F Fou

OK, I am finally done with the last of the remaining frames I had to do :)

The walls revamp is still under way, so I still can't show the overall view. (well I can, but it looks like a war zone :lol).

In the meantime, here they are. As usual, thanks to the folks in the FPP threads :thumbsup

From Jurassic Park, Grant's Book Cover, and JP general logo.




Hellboy - WWII Photo


Fantastic Four Newspaper


Forrest Gump Time Magazine, and Bubba Gump Shrimps Logo


Wall Street - Fortune Magazine Cover



So that should be it for Frames !

In case you are wondering (as I was :lol), there are now 75 Frames in the Prop Room !

Will post overall revamp when ready, as there are some '3-D' props I am still waiting for that have to be inserted in the deco.
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Re: My Prop Replicas - Updated 21 Dec - Blade Runner

They had a Han in Carbonite like that on the Firefly TV series. It was in the background of several scenes. I heard that a couple of the stage hands had a bet to see how many scenes they could get it in but that is just rumor.

Nate has had couple FIREFLY items appear in CASTLE so far!
And the Firefly Easter egg on Castle is … | CliqueClack TV

AND any FIREFLY fans that missed this on CASTLE this is not to be missed!
YouTube - Castle: "Space Cowboy" (Firefly/Serenity)
YouTube - Castle 2x6 Firefly tribute
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVALS - JP, Gump, Hellboy, Wall Street, F Fou

That's one of the best collection I've ever seen !
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - (Filler) Star Trek Enterprise

OK. So today I finally finished the walls revamp. Once some items arrive & I allocate them, I'll post the pics.

In the meantime, I found I had a small space available in a certain part, so I filled it with this :

Captain Archer's drawings collection of 'Enterprises over the centuries', as seen in his Ready Room.

I have the 4 large-size pics, but this display is out of the question in full size !

Stunning background design by Eric Metze on this one :)



.... make that 76 frames :lol
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - DS9 Quark's 'Bar' + Right wall ready

I got the bottle unfated sent me today and made my bottle of Kanar as seen in Star Trek Deep Space 9 :)

This was another 'been wanting for ages' one.

This bottle has driven me crazy ! What with locating one, labels, stopper etc, it has been no easy task.

My original intention was to collect and make various bottles from Quark's bar, but this little experience has told me .... no.

So I did the next best thing ... with some labels and frames (suprise!) :lol

Therefore, this is my representation of Quark's Bar.

There's your garden variety of Vulcan Port, Bajoran Spring Water, the good old Slug-o-Cola and so forth.

Special thanks goes to quarksbarb, Angelus Lupus, starbuc and of course, Dietrich (Cmdr. Kerner), with, amongst others, his brilliant label for Gagh !

Without further ado, here they are, followed by 2 pics of the right wall revamp I have been working on. (EDIT - wall pics moved a few posts down)







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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - NEW ARRIVAL - DS9 Quark's 'Bar' + Right wall ready

Is that my label? looks pretty good there! Where did you get that stopper?
Man, I wish I had half the stuff you have there, that' a cool collection.

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