My Predator Minigun



My all metal, barrel spinning replica of the one used by Blaine and Mac. One ofthe prop masters who worked on the original one helped me with parts and guidance. BTW, weighs a ton.



I believe its time to unload some rounds,

Hot chick holdin it too!!

Thanks for sharing man. Does this bad larry make a cool sound when the barrels spin?

Makes the same whirring, mechanical sound as in the movie after Mac runs out of ammo but won't release the trigger, allowing the barrels to spin without shooting.

I am designing a sound system using a sound chip on a board, activated by the trigger. It would feed the sound of the gun firing into a small amplifier (perhaps one out of a car) and into some speakers. All the electronics will fit into the backpack ammo can. The speakers would actually include transducers that turn the ammo can into a speaker.
so damn sweet i had to move it to the main forum,

Damn that's sure is purtty, and the mini gun ain't to shabby either

That's really great.
Looks just like the real one.
High quality work!

Amazing how high quality props pull the good looking chicks out of the woodwork aint it
That gun kicks major ASS!! What a fantastic model how much time did you put into that?........I see alot of hours work. Thats the nicest version I've seen of that prop ever. I'd take my hat off to you if I had one.

Talk about getting on the ready line......Looks killer! Colonial Marines kick A$$!!! ~Mel
I whant one too!!!

If it posible mines dont need to come with the gun just without cloth!

Now seriusly Nice weapon man!

Is it posible that I saw it before.. pherhasp in the aliens forum!

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