My Ninja Turtle build

ok so i dont have pics yet and this is guna be a long time in the making but i figured i would start a thread just so its here... i also have a question.. so im slightly colorblind often confusing colors... im looking to do mikey but what color is his bandana is it yellow or orange? ive been confused since i was 5 lol i just never asked anyone... im also doing a more 80's cartoon style build instead of a movie realistic look
Yup, Orange.
That is an awesome pic, that would be great refrence to build a costume off. I really like the original version of these guys, still have all my old comic series. They were far better when they were dark and gritty.
Leo looks like a punk! But I have always been a fan of Mikey's shenanigans and raphs attitude, even in the new TMNT I really liked his attitude of being the rogue.

I wasn't to big a fan of his emoness in the original 3, although the 3rd one I think was one of the best of the LA ones.
heres an update for everyone heres and hand prototype, this is just a test and has far to many pieces glued together so im going to make a pattern based off these to make it look more neat and less pieces





ok so from the prototype i have made a pattern im pretty happy with very cartoony styled hand heres a few pics of then with the forearms and some scrap yellow fabric just to cover where the 2 pieces meet (btw pay no attention the the circle on the inside palm lol i originally had the thumb there and it wasnt very comfortable)



ill have the other hand done tomorrow maybe some other stuff 2 we shall see i plan on making everything first then doing the latex paint
I as well cant wait to see the finished product. Another board member i believe named deckstar did a turtle and its badass. Hope yours is just as awesome.