My New iRobot Screen Used Prop


Sr Member
Hey All,

Well here it is, my latest addition to my iRobot collection.

Sharon Wilkins Screen Used Prop Inhaler.

Scored this on ebay recently, nearly had a heart attack when i saw it for sale, and had to have it...


I dont have a screengrab to show the prop in action, if anyone can help me out, and post one, it would be appriciated.

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ha well done gordy, i remember that when ps were selling it. i try and keep away from ebay as it costs me too much wonga.

LOL That's awesome. Is that the one that the robot is rushing to her when Spooner tackles it?

"I'm a Cop"
"You... are a ASSHOE!"
I love that line.
Great prop. I love them guys at the London Store. They filled me in alot at Comic con. Great Stuff
ha well done gordy, i remember that when ps were selling it. i try and keep away from ebay as it costs me too much wonga.


Too true, every time i log in, the old bank balance seems to take a drop!!!!
Mind you, got a bargain with this one, i would of paid a lot more than what i actually did. All toll i, i snagged it for £60 including the shipping!!!

LOL That's awesome. Is that the one that the robot is rushing to her when Spooner tackles it?

"I'm a Cop"
"You... are a ASSHOE!"
I love that line.

It is indeed, only on screen for a short time, but its a moment that definetely stands out in the movie.