My new Arc Reactor

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Active Member
Hello there!

I've been looking around and seen some amazing replicas, I wanted to share my own Arc Reactor with you, just finished. Enjoy1

Now working on some updates and planning for a MK2...


Hello and thanks!
Well, it's been a pain in the ass to make it wearable and accurate, since there are no standard components out there. I had to machine almost everything.
Methacrylate, aluminum, wire and plastic. (And some of my skin glued and burned...)

It has one CR2032 (3V) batt in this pic. It can hold two of them and then it turns really bright, even disturbing to look at when there is dark in the room, to my surprise.

In fact I thought it would be easier when I planned, but I spent almost the same hours thinking, than building.
However, now it's upgraded, I really like it.

Thanks again for your compliments!
i am definately buying that! :D

is your arc reactor inside a metal case? cos on the pic above it has that metal circle around it but ni the other pictures it doesnt have it.
Indeed it is, this is the last minute update I mentioned.
A trully pain in the ass to cut, since is made from thin steel.
But the final update looks pretty cool...if you don't look at the back side hehe.
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