Darth Raijlin
Active Member
I had this posted at THEDENTEDHELMET for a bit and wanted to share it here so that others might have some insight/advice as I proceed. This actually has been my first major wood working project I've ever attempted. So please keep that in mind for this noob :lol
January 1, 2009
Well, I have been doing a lot of poking around here and on the RPF getting different concepts from various builders. I wanted to take a moment to thank azheat, VashDstampede, and Fetthunter for their guidance. My goal is to produce the initial prop for under $300.
I was inspired by the HIC Desk that was made by Tom and Richard. Looking at the high quality of their work, but not the cashflow to afford something of that caliber, I began to have additional thoughts. I'm looking at the possibility of creating it as a desk also with some changes.
The panels on the side where the chair will go will be functional drawers with the panel being the facia. I figured it made sense since they were there to have them functional.
I am also attempting to work with a friend on ideas utilizing acrylic as the base of the desk to give the illusion of HIC hovering (similar to when Boba Fett is transporting him to Slave I in ESB). A friend I've talked to stated that is a unique take on it and will try to give me guidance so it's done right.
Thus far, I have just been gathering some of the parts:
Solo Face: $48 from Fetthunter
Posable Hands: $39 from Bargainboy's Buy-Outs (Ebay)http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=290281383149
Upper Torso: $28 from Displayforms (Ebay) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=200154045943
I hope to be able to create something that meets up to the expectations that many of the builders have done before me. I'll post progress reports here, and I would love any kind of input/advice from the veteran HIC builders.
January 1, 2009
Well, I have been doing a lot of poking around here and on the RPF getting different concepts from various builders. I wanted to take a moment to thank azheat, VashDstampede, and Fetthunter for their guidance. My goal is to produce the initial prop for under $300.
I was inspired by the HIC Desk that was made by Tom and Richard. Looking at the high quality of their work, but not the cashflow to afford something of that caliber, I began to have additional thoughts. I'm looking at the possibility of creating it as a desk also with some changes.
The panels on the side where the chair will go will be functional drawers with the panel being the facia. I figured it made sense since they were there to have them functional.
I am also attempting to work with a friend on ideas utilizing acrylic as the base of the desk to give the illusion of HIC hovering (similar to when Boba Fett is transporting him to Slave I in ESB). A friend I've talked to stated that is a unique take on it and will try to give me guidance so it's done right.
Thus far, I have just been gathering some of the parts:
Solo Face: $48 from Fetthunter
Posable Hands: $39 from Bargainboy's Buy-Outs (Ebay)http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=290281383149
Upper Torso: $28 from Displayforms (Ebay) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=200154045943
I hope to be able to create something that meets up to the expectations that many of the builders have done before me. I'll post progress reports here, and I would love any kind of input/advice from the veteran HIC builders.
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