My Hero Grail diary replica

Indiana Holt

Sr Member
Hey guys!

Just thought I could share my Grail diary with the RPF.

I have studied this prop and grail lore for 15 years. It's been my life long passion. Boy! what can I say? Making the replica started out as a dream. Dreaming about flipping thru it like Indy does in Henry's house. Now, finally after so many years I can and I sometimes do it with Last crusade playing in the backround with a nice glass of whiskey at my side. I just relax with the movie and flip thru it alittle LOL. I think I have made 20 diaries over the years. Getting one step closer each time, making the details crisper and clearer by every effort and today I am finally done! If you ever really wondered what the real diary looks like up close? this is 99% of the real thing. Needless to say, I'm pretty proud of it. :)

So, I introduce a few pictures the Hero grail diary prop replica.










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Very Nice! I have been wanting to do one of these as well. You should post the process and things that you have learned that makes this 99% accurate! (steps to avoid, must haves, etc....) Nicely done!
VERY cool. I am constantly wowed by the amount of detail that gets put into these grail diaries. :thumbsup :thumbsup
Welcome to the RPF, Holt! I'm constantly at awe whenever I see pics of your diary. Truly the best out there, in my opinion. :thumbsup
Thanks guys for the compliments and the welcome.

Just alittle more info on this diary. This diary is truly unique as it has been made with carefull study and compared to the original hero prop diary stored at Lucas archives. Even aging spots and page folds are the same. it contains all the taped in (not glued) pages and maps. pluss some other special features. so it's one of a kind and thats what I wanted. :)
Hi Guys,
I went to the Hollywood Museum last week to get reference shots of one my projects and saw they have a 4x6 foot display with a lot of Last Crusade props, the have the holy grail chalice and the diary and a lot of little things thought I'd post them here. I'll try to take a small tripod and get better pics next time.
Hi Guys,
I went to the Hollywood Museum last week to get reference shots of one my projects and saw they have a 4x6 foot display with a lot of Last Crusade props, the have the holy grail chalice and the diary and a lot of little things thought I'd post them here. I'll try to take a small tripod and get better pics next time.
Thanks for sharing; just of note, the grail diary in the photo is definitely not a production piece. It looks to perhaps be an older Tannis version. I'm not sure if they're trying to pass any of those items off as production pieces, or just made a display of representative items, but you should take caution if using them for reference...
Thanks for noting that, I was thinking the same thing myself. Some of the stuff in the museum seems questionable as to it's authenticity of actually being used on film. I've got images of the Pee Wee herman bike and some of the Christopher Reeve's superman suit. I'll be posting those in a bit.
Thanks for noting that, I was thinking the same thing myself. Some of the stuff in the museum seems questionable as to it's authenticity of actually being used on film. I've got images of the Pee Wee herman bike and some of the Christopher Reeve's superman suit. I'll be posting those in a bit.

Its funny, i just went to the hollywood museum yesterday and was going to mention that i saw the grail diary there... Sucks to find out its not screen used, but i was also questioning the authenticity of alot of that stuff... My main reason for going was the peewee bike... Im in the middle of making one so i went to take some reference shots... They have a strict no camera flash policy but i managed to get a few shots of some of the cooler items there. Sorry to derail the thread Indianna Holt... Your grail diary is one of the nicest i have seen...