My first sculpt

looks pretty cool. id make the sword a little wider but it looks like you are almost there.


i think as long as you dont sell it or market it, you shouldnt be hunted down and neutered with rusty hemostats :)

Are you going to gold plate it or paint it?

Gold paint usually sucks big time and has no shine. But, I have found an alternative that has worked for me in the past. First spray it with regular primer, then give it a coat of gloss black. After the black has fully cured, spray several light coats of Krylon Brass.

This has given me the best results on large objects. But if you have the time and money, pick up a couple of Gold Leaf paint pens (I believe they are krylon as well). They give the best gold finish of any paint I have ever used.

Getting a plater to do it is tough. A very guarded subject.

But it can be done.


Yes it's mine.

It's actually a 3rd generation copy of a real Oscar.

I made 22 of them from resin once (still have a few of them around). This is the only one that ever got plated. No one would do it.

I still don't know how it got done, I just got this one somehow.