My First attempt at a mask


New Member
Im going to attempt making a clay Guy Fawkes mask i have a chepo plastic one that i can measure off of to get the demensions correct but first i need some advise on a few things
1. What kind of clay is easiest to work with and will give me the best result
(A) Is there a good clay that doesnt require a kiln to harden or maybe even just an oven will work (This is my first attempt at anything like this so please forgive the ignorance)
2. Is there a good generic head i can mold this on to and which it will release easily from

Any and all advise would be most appreicated
I use Roma clay. You want to use a clay that you can move easy but won't pick up too many fingerprints. There are a few shops out there that do head forms to work from.

If this is your first mask, there is a new product that came out earlier this year. It is a mask kit that has all you need and step by step instructions to get started.

That comes with it all!
