My Count Dooku Bust 2/2


Sr Member
Trying my hand at sculpting - please keep in mind this is my first ever attempt, and I have only spent a couple hours on it so far. I am trying to make Count Dooku. Only one half of his face has taken shape so far. However, was it wrong of me to use oil based clay that wont dry? What is the next step, after the sculpting is completed? :unsure Anyway, let me know what you guys think so far.

Great Work. I do not sculpt, so I cannot provide any feedback on the clay.

Have you sculpted before? How much training and type? I'd really like to try my hand at sculpting, but do not know where to start.

You should really consider posting a full frontal picture of the face, even though only one side has been worked on. Will help people to better make useable comments and suggestions.

So far it looks like a pretty nice start for a first-timer. :thumbsup
<div class='quotetop'>(NoHumorMan @ Oct 17 2006, 05:05 PM) [snapback]1339974[/snapback]</div>
You should really consider posting a full frontal picture of the face, even though only one side has been worked on. Will help people to better make useable comments and suggestions.

So far it looks like a pretty nice start for a first-timer. :thumbsup
I agree. I'd like to see more complete pictures too. What is your experience/training?
Actually, I have no real experience - everything I know is self taught or what I've read here. That and my entire family is great at all mediums. Okay, worked on the one side a little more... looking better I think... yes? no?
Nothing wrong with oil-based clay. If it contains sulfur, you may experience some problems using silicone as a mold medium.

As for the first grade ashtray resembled a pile of dog poop so I'm not one to critique anyone on sculpture. For a first time attempt I think it is darn impressive.

See what Chewie15 thinks. Then you'll know.
well if any of the real experienced sculptors could chime in and maybe give me some tips I would be most appreciative.
For your first Sculpt, it's looking really good.

My suggestion is to get as many screencaps of Count Dooku, and use them as reference, also if you may try Ebay you may find a lifecast of Christopher Lee and use that as reference, there's no better reference than a real lifecast.

It may also help to work on one area at a time since you are starting out (instead of trying to do everything all at once), start with make the ears more realistic, then the nose, mouth, eyes, etc...after you have matched everything to your reference pics then you will be on your way to having a very realistic likeness.

I personally use one light source to make sure that each angle of the face matches the ones in the photos, trying to match the lighting (on your sculpture) to the photos will also help you match your sculpt to the real face.

The Oil-Based Clay is fine to use, just make sure if you mold it in a Silicone that it's NOT a Tin-Based Silicone because Tin-Based doesn't like the Sulphur in Oil-Clay and will not set up and remain gooey.

I forgot to mention that for the eyes it is easier to use spheres as the eyes to sculpt the eyelids on, that way you don't have to repeatedly try to sculpt the eye shapes from scratch.
I dont have anything to add in terms of advice but I will say that I think it looks great for a first time effort. Well done.
I'm not an expert myself, but propsculptor is right on when he said to gather as much reference pics from every angle you can get. Also, a tip I found is to work out all the shapes and features and get the sizes and positioning correct before you start detailing (wrinkles, hair etc.) or else you'll wind up having to re-sculpt these areas again and waste a lot of time. I know it's tempting to do so, but you have to save the fun part for last :D . Also, as been mentioned, some oil based clays contain sulphur which inhibits your silicone from curing. What I found works is to spray Krylon Clear for stuff that you don't mind some of the details getting softened. I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but it works for me, to spray primer instead of clear which retains almost all the details pretty well. It's just a pain to clean up your mold afterward. So if anyone has any better suggestions, I'd love to hear about it as well and will apply it to my future sculpting attempts.
Looking very promising so keep up the good work :thumbsup .

I've never sculpted before, so I don't have much to offer. But I'd like to encourage you. Keep at it. Looking pretty good. WAYYYY better than I'd do right out of the gate.
Alright guys - did a little more to it - I need input - why doesnt it look like him? What needs to be changed the most???
I would say make the nose longer & more refined at the tip,-not so much flare at the nostrils, ( he has a very long aquiline nose) and the mouth straigher across. The middle of his upper lip is a little thicker in the middle & goes over the bottom one a little more.. I think you're getting there with the eys & cheeks.. great for a first..
Here's a quick comparison shot I put together:

Jayn is right on about the nose/nostrils. It also looks like it should be slightly pulled 'up' along w/the eyes eyebrows. The jawline and bottom earlobe should be dropped lower. Plus the folds around the eyes, nose, and mouth should be more prominent.

It's a really good start and the likeness is almost there. Keep it up.
Did some more re-working - is it looking more like him? I need to even out the eyes a bit - anyone else notice anything right away that is off? Also - the pictures are ebing taken in HORRIBLE lighting... I need to fix that.


I don't sculpt . Couldn't get anywhere near as close as you are. Looking at the bridge of the nose from eyebrow to tip and comparing to side by side image in kidL's post , it appears to me that there has been little change that resembles his nose.