My 3' Imperial Star Destroyer

Laser Brain

Sr Member
Hi guys,

I've been busy on my first studio scale scratch build project... my WIP 3" Star Destroyer. 3 months of on/off work so far (when the girlfriend permits)...I'd say I'm half way to completing this project.

There are untold 1/700 battleship/destroyer parts, Karl Morser parts etc....way too many to list right now (I can't even remember half of them)

I've worked from pics and drew up some very rough plans before making a start. Most of the work has been eyeballed so I'm sure it's a bit off in places.

It has lights in the engines and all around the body and bridge. More pics when I'm nearer to completion


Thanks to BigVade for inspiring me to tackle this project

Thanks Mike

The hull is made from 2 layers of 2mm thick styrene. I used brass rods to strengthen the frame. I am running my electronics along these too.


Good Lord! I really wish that you guys would make plans for the basic construction though. If I had instructions for the basic shape I think I could tacle the rest - but Man that is one hell of an impressive model! Awesome work. Is there any way to convince you to take csome measurements of lengths and angles?

Jedi Dade
Thanks JD!
I don't see why not

I have a template that I made for the hexagonal supports. Once you have the distance that these are spaced apart you can create the shape.

I'm not sure how accurate it is to the real thing, but it seems to have worked OK.

Neil, as Vader would say......

"Impressive, most impressive"

I can't wait to see it completed and lit.


You already know what I think about this! FANTASTIC work.
Can't wait to see it finished and I REALLY wish it would be possible to have a kit of this. I just don't have the skill to build one from scratch! I HATE YOU!

</SPAN><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>Quote:<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>Can't wait to see it finished and I REALLY wish it would be possible to have a kit of this. I just don't have the skill to build one from scratch! I HATE YOU!</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

Okay, it's a concensus then, we all hate Neil!

The tubing for the structure and wiring is a great idea. Damn! I so want one of these now!
Cheers Mike

Thanks a bunch guys!
So far this project has been a massive lesson in patience. I'm not the most patient of people and usually if I want something I want it NOW. After all my work I just hope the dodgy electronics don't set fire to it

There are so many undercuts from the detailing on the model, particularly on the sides, the engines and the docking bay that, unfortunately it would never survive being wrapped in silicon. It would be torn apart removing it from any mold.

Thanks guys.
Here are a few more pics. The lights come out blue from my camera, but they are white in reality. I went for LEDS to light the main engines rather than halogens. I'm sure you can see BigVade's influence on this part of the model.

I'm off travelling for a month so I'll be packing the model away until my return....then I'll finish detailing the lower section and begin work on the upper half. Who knows, I might get it finished by Easter





Have not started assembeling, but have many donor kits. I'm trying to get a pattern going, i think getting the shape is the main thing. Once the hull is done, easy going? Again yours looks great and so do the rest of the others I have seen. Keep the pictures coming. John