I did the paint master... and repainted one to match
The factory did an absolutely tremendous job, but as we all know, realistically they're not able to put the hundreds of man hours into a paint job like we can and do. I love what they did.
If you want to go "crazy" and have some fearlessness, pop it apart, and "superdetail" it. You'll break it, but some putty and zip kicked glue fixes all manner of "boo boos".
The one I did has been repainted, and sports seatbelts, scratchbuilt gunner station and miscellaneous controls, cut-opened cockpit with full glazing, harpoon and cable, and a few artistic liberties like photoetched floor grating
I have another speeder that's slated to one day be Wedge's speeder... I'm thinking about dremelling out the Laser Cannon mounts to make room for positionable airbrake details