Mr Giggles Has Arrived

yeah some red would be good, might i suggest a kind of jagged line down the face? also the i dea of red around th edome is a good one :D
that looks killer. i agree with black lens. im not sure about red, but i think it looks too clean. def needs some kind of wear on it. maybe shade the low areas.
bro you said you were gunna add some red that would be awesome but what if you made the circles on the circuitry golden yellow or red i wouldn't add or take too much away from it i think
No , im not touching those graphics, i was talking about another graphics in red sort of like daman pait up on his bio, but not that big, just a little
That is freaking sweet! Black lenses will look great for sure. I dont know about red personally, I think sometimes less is more.
Well its a little too late, but now im happy with it :)
i wanted it white too because didnt wanted to loose collecotens and damans vision :)

Not really sure who collecoten is, but she makes damn fine designs. :p

Very unusual paintjob, but it sure looks great. :D Will you be adding lights? I have been thinking of doing that with my bio.
Now I really want to repaint mine...
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